I want hear what you think of the mimic tang.

rainbow grouper

Active Member
Sooooooo hey all want to hear what you think of the mimic tang. I think there amazing I obtained mine as a lemon peel angel fish.


Active Member


You're not going to get many responses, since not many people own them.
You have the more common one, Acanthurus pyroferus. I'd really like to get my hands on an Acanthurus tristis. I like the A. pyroferus when it's a juvenile, but not as an adult :-/


And as an aside, you've been told before about spelling, grammar and punctuation. You'll find that you'll get more responses if your posts are more coherent...

rainbow grouper

Active Member
Sorry guys when i say i obtained mine as a lemon peel angel fish that is my prediction.Also I had an ebili angel fish however, It died about 2 months after i obtained it.


I understand. Mimic tangs, specifically the one he had are tangs, but look like something else. In Rainbows case, he had one that looks like a lemonpeel angelfish when the tang is a juvenile. As the mimic tang matures, it looses it's vibrant yellow color that the lemonpeel has and just looks like another tang. There is another variety of tang that mimics the look of an eilibi angelfish and one that mimics a half black angelfish.


Active Member
Come on, give the kids a break. I guess you guys don't talk kid talk. lol
He means it was sold to him as a lemon peel, but was really a mimic tang.
After 4 kids, especially kids with language disabilities, (not that Rainbow has one, just from another country where they talk different) you learn to read around the errors.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/388128/i-want-hear-what-you-think-of-the-mimic-tang#post_3421122
I understand.
Mimic tangs, specifically the one he had are tangs, but look like something else. In Rainbows case, he had one that looks like a lemonpeel angelfish when the tang is a juvenile. As the mimic tang matures, it looses it's vibrant yellow color that the lemonpeel has and just looks like another tang. There is another variety of tang that mimics the look of an eilibi angelfish and one that mimics a half black angelfish.
And it only took 9 posts for us to figure this out!
About that technical writing you wanted to do; maybe you should start with "writing as a communication tool".


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///t/388128/i-want-hear-what-you-think-of-the-mimic-tang#post_3421124
Come on, give the kids a break. I guess you guys don't talk kid talk. lol
He means it was sold to him as a lemon peel, but was really a mimic tang.
After 4 kids, especially kids with language disabilities, (not that Rainbow has one, just from another country where they talk different) you learn to read around the errors.
You are probably right. I was only trying to understand what he was saying and was having a hard time doing so.


I knew what he meant from the beginning, but I also work with kids, maybe that helped?
I don't think it was sold to him as a lemonpeel (Rainbow, correct me if I'm wrong). Mimic tangs looks like different things when they're juveniles, and I think he's just saying that he had the "lemonpeel angel mimic tang" which simply means that as a juvenile, the tang looks like a lemonpeel.


Active Member
ok, now I think I get it too.
since language skills are learned, its sometime hard for adults to interpret what a child is trying to say. They understand it in their own minds, but trying to write it on paper for others to understand is sometimes hard. I have 4 children, three have or had language disabilities

rainbow grouper

Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/388128/i-want-hear-what-you-think-of-the-mimic-tang#post_3421136
I knew what he meant from the beginning, but I also work with kids, maybe that helped?
I don't think it was sold to him as a lemonpeel (Rainbow, correct me if I'm wrong). Mimic tangs looks like different things when they're juveniles, and I think he's just saying that he had the "lemonpeel angel mimic tang" which simply means that as a juvenile, the tang looks like a lemonpeel.
Correct. Also can i mention this tang came in a 52 gallon tank and the person we bought it from said the watchman goby was an eel? Whats with that.