I want honest opinion about my 80 Gallon


blue hippo tang
yellow tang
2 clown fish
2 damsel's
Longnose Butterfly
cleaner shrimp
few Anemones
few Hermit Crabs
turbo snails
Chocolate Chip Star
few Urchins
lots of Zoos
few Mushrooms
Current USA Orbit 48" 4 x 65 Watt Power Compact Strip Light W/4 Lunar Lights



Originally Posted by jjlittle
I would stur sand to make it look better get teh green off. I would add more LR.

I am just asking JJ
if you shift the sand wont that make the green spread faster what do you have for a cleanup crew

nice tank by the way


I do have clean up crew tons of snails & crabs. I stur sand regularly dont notice any speading I really stur prior to a water change which really seem to do the best . I never had to much green more brown diatoms though. Do you check your Phosphate & Nitrate levels?For they are the main reason most will have algea.


Active Member
look like a good start. only problem i see is that it still looks very new. need lots of color
as for the cayno algea you need to find the source. what sort of water do you use,
i would also ditch the biowheel and since you dont have much live rock and no sump i would advice you get ALOT more rock and sand. this will help make up for the lack of filtration. i see the small aquaC remora but IMO it is not enough.


I had to take my CC star out of my reef. He was starting to eat some of my polyps and my leather toadstool. other than that looks nice and I agree you need more color


Active Member
Originally Posted by rmleal
Ok Ill Check Thanks. I Use Pureified Water.
pureified or RO/DI big difference


Active Member
also i just re looked at the pics and you have a surface circulation problem. see how the film is building up on the water surface on the one side of the tank??
you need to get more circulation in the tank that also explains why you only have algea only that same side of the tank.


Chocolate chip star will eat corals, crabs and snails. The blue hippo will out grow an 80g.
I would look for reasons you are getting cyno. Nothing will eat it and stiring is temporary. Are you over feeding? Is the skimmer big enough and set ok? You could probably use more flow. Look at SIEO super pumps.
Otherwise looks like a good start. As a personal prefrence I would make 2-3 rock stacks instead of 1 long, short row. Thats just an opinion, do it however you like it best.


Those long spine urchins eat coraline algae. I think it will look allright when the rocks color up. They might not color up much with the urchins though.
I just ordered a light like yours only with x2 130 watters. How do you like it? Does it run very hot?
you'll have to take pictures as the tank progresses.


Oh BTW, The Choclate Chip Star is not reef friendly. I noticed you mentioned having zoos Im not sure if they eat zoos or not.


I also agree that you need more rock... but my main concern is your fish. Does anyone else not think that it will be a problem to keep both of those tangs in there together. The Blue hippo by itself would be pushing it because they usually need about 125g or more with at least 5'-6' of swimming space. But with both tangs in there you might start to get some fighting later on. Also your lighting is just over 3wpg that will probably be too low for your anemones and then if you want to get into hard corals later on, i would recommend either VHO's or MH's. Just my $.02 hope to see good progress with the tank, it looks like it has really good potential!


im getting rid of mr urchins and my Chocolate chip star because i want a reefer.and i know they might cause problems. i am not over feeding. i feed them every other day brine shrimp or flakes. the tangs have no prob with eachother and are fine. i will upgrade to a 125 or 250 when i buy a home in a few years. my lighting is ok but i will upgrade to a metal hi lighting systems soon.


Active Member
I thought butterflies weren't reef safe? Looks pretty good though, you have the same watt lighting as i do so you are ok for soft corals
I would keep an eye on the tangs, the yellow is fine.


I would get more light and more rocks..
You have the same lighting i do on my 55, and i think its barely enough. :thinking: