I want pics of eels!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Hey everybody I really want to see pics of yalls eels so post em
and say what kind and what size tank


Active Member
Old picture of my 16" moray, in a 55g with a couple brackish fish in this picture, since moved to his own 75g and acclimated to full saltwater. No tankmates for him yet, as he's even taken strikes at a lionfish I tried, and also tagged me once.


Here is my mean mean tessalata ( he would love to have my fingers) moray in the same tank they are both about 3 feet


Active Member
How on earth do you aclimate a fish to saltwater like that? Thats awesome I suppose. The eels in the 125, they look HUGE!!! They arent cramped are they? I totally want like an eel now, lol. Maybe I'll need another tank, but yet again, my parents DEFINITELY wont allow, lol. Cool pics:happy:


Active Member
They arent cramped are they?
GKP and I own those eels together. They are big (the green is bigger), but no, they're not cramped. Someday, they'll probably have to be moved to another tank...but they're fine now.


Active Member
This is my friends "community" tank of eels. Very creepy at night. He has tons of tanks, got me into this tank business, helps me out and stuff. They are all HUGE!! His dog goes up to it all the time and his nose rubs, so it is smudged on the side, but whatever. Here ya go:


Active Member
O well. Well, to get the general idea, that is a 800 gallon tank I believe, and that is only 1/4 of the tank in the image. Lucky guy, eh? I call his house the aquarium house. He charges for admission, lol, jk. Hes a cool guy though. He also has a 240 Gallon Reef, a 180 Gallon Predator setup, and another 210 cuztom with angels and some tangs. Tell me what you think :happyfish