i want "porky"


Has anyone had a porcupine puffer with small gobies including a cleaner and 2 small clowns in a 100 gal? I really want one and i also have a 55 gal to put the small guys in (my gf loves gobies).


If a get a proky, it would have to be a baby to work with small gobies. Of course knowing if the gobies are full grown or not would help, but either way I don't think they will last long. Just my 2 cents tho.
Good Luck


i have one in with 3 cleaners and a couple clown gobies and my puffer is huge eats out of my hand doesnt ever pick on anything else


thanks i really want one with 2 or 3 tangs and a dwarf angel. The cleaners are around 1 inch and a firefish with a yellow clown goby there is also 2 false clowns but im tring to get my gf to change her fw tank to sw and its a 40 gal so thats something they could go in if theres trouble


Active Member
My Puffles was in with a Lawnmower Blenny when he was still at the Fishie Store... Mine is just a community kinda guy. I love my Mr. McPuffles.


Active Member
most porcupine puffers like community tanks....well so i've read. can't wait to get another one, my first one died. he was a tiny.


I have my porc puffer in with a foxface and a clown and they are all buddies. The porc puffer is about 5 inches and the foxface is about 4 inches. I'll keep an eye on the clown when the puffer gets bigger.