i want see everyone's CLAM PICTURES!!!


Active Member
these are the ones i have in my tank

picture of crocea i took with my cell phone. this was the first clam i ever bought

just need a few more


Active Member
heres an older pic maybe from 4-5 months ago but i cant fit the whole clam in my top down anymore since its so darn big now but u get the idea


Active Member
Here's a few of mine.
T. maxima

Blue (ish) teardrop maxi

Black Zebra Maxi

And my favorite...blue squamosa



Active Member
I wanna see everybodys clam!!!!
Everytime I see this thread I get Bevis and Butthead in my head.......Uhh,huh,huh He said clam.....
Anyway here is my clam.


Anyone have a clam under T5's on CF's? I know the rule of thumb is halides, but i have read that there are certain clams that do just fine under moderate lights?