i want something... unique


Active Member
im just not sure what. im just thinkin. i want something cool, like when people look at youre tank theyre like "whats that!?" 75 DT, 75 sump. reef.
any ideas?


Active Member
Flounders, mantis shrimp, sea robins, many scorpionfishes, frogfishes, walking batfish, garden eels, toadfish, flashlight fish, ghost pipefish, sculpins....
There are lots of wild things that come out of the ocean. Some are easy to care for, others much harder - it all depends on what you're looking for.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MX#28
Flounders, mantis shrimp, sea robins, many scorpionfishes, frogfishes, walking batfish, garden eels, toadfish, flashlight fish, ghost pipefish, sculpins....
There are lots of wild things that come out of the ocean. Some are easy to care for, others much harder - it all depends on what you're looking for.
well its gotta work in a 75 DT, be reef safe, and not kill every other fish its with. past that im game. as long as its at least a little bit bizarre.


Active Member
hmm. im looking for something a little more visible. i think lions and eels are cool, but theyre also large and i guess not reef safe. what about a dwarf lion or like a snowflake eel? not really that bizarre but different and something most people dont see everyday. would a dwarf lion be bad in a reef or eat small fish? im not really sure how big they get. also, i have shrimp and a LOT of cleaners in my tank, so something that wont eat those. im probably really restricting myself to, like, a sixline or a mandarin or something, which i DO NOT want. *sigh*.


Try this list of reef safe fishAnthiasBassletsBlennies (excluding fang blennies, a few species will nip at polyps and giant clam mantles)Cardinalfish

(sometimes excluding the maroon clown which can grow very aggressive and territorial)
(sometimes excluding larger, more aggressive Dascyllus varieties)
Dwarf angels
(dwarf angels in a reef setting has been heavily debated)
(will consume small shrimps; can be highly aggressive)

(foxface and rabbitfish will occasionally eat certain corals if underfed)


(can be killed by stinging corals and anemones)
(will consume small shrimps; can be highly aggressive)
(can be killed by stinging corals and anemones)

(there are both reef safe wrasse and ones that are notorious for killing small fish and invertebrates)


Active Member
ho hum. ehh well i guess if there was anything that cool out there everyone would have it anyways. hmm.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
well its gotta work in a 75 DT, be reef safe, and not kill every other fish its with. past that im game. as long as its at least a little bit bizarre.
How dedicated of a tank keeper are you? If you're willing to stock the refugium well with copepods/amphipods and feed some live brine now and then, shrimpfish are safe, peaceful, and a little odd.


sea horses are pretty odd, stock the tank with ALOT of beautiful gorgonias, would be really pretty. Other than that, mantis shrimp are pretty awesome.
Are you wanting something thats unique to the hobby, or to people coming over? Also, you could go with a non-photosynthetic tank, would be REALLY unique, and pretty challenging.


Active Member
im planning seperate mantis, horse, and maybe even a nonphoto (mostly suns & dendros) tank. my basement is full of tanks and equipment. i have no problem adding pods and culturing phyto & live brine, so ill look into the shrimpfish. ive never heard of them before.

matt b

Active Member
You can get some really sweet serpent stars. Here is one I got a few weeks ago. I didnt know you had your 75 up. Any pix?


Active Member
its not up. its in the process. im planning, because im bored and i do need to start thinking about it. its getting there though. i absolutely <3 serpents. that one's really cool.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
its not up. its in the process. im planning, because im bored and i do need to start thinking about it. its getting there though. i absolutely <3 serpents. that one's really cool.
Reef systems got a lot in a few weeks ago and they were only 20 each. I have 2 and they are both very active.


Active Member
i have a tupperware in my 29 with ceramic filter tubes in it. i tossed 2 micro brittles in there a couple months ago, now theres a ton. they reproduce like mad. i want a big one. the micros are really neat, but you never see them.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
i have a tupperware in my 29 with ceramic filter tubes in it. i tossed 2 micro brittles in there a couple months ago, now theres a ton. they reproduce like mad. i want a big one. the micros are really neat, but you never see them.
Trust me you do not want a big brittle. They never stop growing. And just become a HUGE pain. I wish I had some of the micros. I have been in the hobby for 3 years and never seen one in any of my tanks.