i want something... unique


Active Member
according to our resident marine astrologist, ophuria, they are. no difference at all to speak of besides appearance.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
according to our resident marine astrologist, ophuria, they are. no difference at all to speak of besides appearance.
Learn something new every day. I just have never seen a serpent get a big as some of the brittles I have seen.


I also say get a serpent star. Mine is 2 years old now. Just like you said everyone one that sees the tank says what is that, that's cool. and it's a lot of fun to watch.


Active Member
I would get an atlantic tang... they're beautiful both as juveniles and change into the most beautiful color blue as adults. Really beautiful tang and they can live in smaller aquariums as they don't get as big as some of the larger tangs. I believe the smallest recommended size is a 75 so he'll be happy if your tank isn't overpopulated. They're also not too expensive, but hard to find... at least for me. Good community fish
Below are pics in this order:



Do you want a coral or fish that wows??? For fish my helfrichi firefish wows a bunch of people. Or you can get a lineatus wrasse they are beautiful fish. If you want the wow of the wow fish get the $10,000 peppermint angel. haha. For corals get a rainbow acan they get a lot of attention. I don't think you can get anything unique anymore as you probably see all the same stuff online. Someones going to have it.
Peppermint Angelfish

Here's a very unique acan of mine that a lot of people like. These acans come in all sorts of colors and patterns.


Active Member
I find no matter what is in my tank the fact that I have a saltwater tank people are always saying "wow".
My scooter blenny was always a hit. The way they jump from rock to rock and are so active and kicking up sand and making a mess.


Active Member
im looking more for a fish. i pretty much know what inverts and corals i want, but i really want a cool "centerpiece" fish. i have some ideas. i need to research.

coral keeper

Active Member
Here is a list:
Electric Flam Scallop
Tuxedo urchins are reef safe and are pretty sweet and they come in many colors.
Serpent stars
Brittle stars
Clams such as maximas and such if you have strong enough lighting.
Harlequin Shrimp and Zebra Shrimp (they eat star fish, so you'll need a constant supply of live star fish.)
Anemone and anemone crabs and shrimp if you the right lighting for them.
Orbiculate Batfish (Not sure if they are reef safe)
Valentini Puffer are known to be reef safe.
Yellow Foxface
Decorated Rabbitfish
Magnificent Foxface (they are pretty expensive)
Dwarf Lionfish (might eat shrimp)
Achilles Tang (pretty expensive)
Christmas Wrasse (monitor with inverts)
Harlequin Tusk (pricey and might not fit in the 75 gallon, not sure)
Leopard Wrasse (I think they need very deep sand beds that are 5-6 inches deep.
Garden eels (they need very deep sand beds, about 8-12 inches deep)
Mystery Wrasse (pretty pricey)
Sunset Wrasse (not inverts safe)
Velvet Fairy Wrasse (they are reef and invert safe and they are really pretty but pricey)
Flame angel (50/50 with corals)
rare zoas


Active Member
Look at some of the more uncommon wrasses. A small group of glass cardinals would be cool too. They're not super active fish, but they look awesome in a pack.
I'm not sure if a 75 would be able to support a small group of anthias, but they might be worth a look too; very bright coloration. First thing people notice in the Penn State tank.