I want to a a power blue...


I would love to add a power blue to my 70 gallon, but before I blow the $80...
Will either a Aurila Butterfly or a fire clown bully him? I also have a zebra moray but I dont think that will be a problem.
I really dont have the stomach for another dead fish... Im just putting my toes in the water again after a bad run of fish calamities.
If not, any ideas for a blue fish? Damsels, hmmm what else is blue??


Active Member

Originally posted by guineawhop
u don't have a big enough tank for a powder blue tang

I second that. I don't like the idea of any tang in a 70 or 75 gallon tank. They really need to be in a 6' tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by chrismilano
wow, thats a wake up call. Thanks - I;ll wait til the tank is empty.

Smart thinking.
As to something blue, the only thing I can think of right now is either a few damsels, a blue spotted toby puffer, a blue spotted grouper, or maybe a blue throat trigger if you had a bigger tank. All three of the fish I listed are very hardy fish, and definitely a lot less tempormental than the tang. They also do not need the huge amount of swimming room that the tang does (with the exception of the trigger).


Assessor is nice, but he'd be eel food.
I would LOVE a spotted blue puffer (saw tons of them diving in Hawaii), but Im afraid of the infamaous "water poisoning" if they get sick.
Anyone with experience on this?


Oops - what I meant was a blue BOX puffer, not the little valentini-looking things. I want a nice CUBIC looking blue box.
Ive only seen them for sale once in four years.


you really want to make ur tank a difficult one don't you. that boxfish is most notorious for releasing it's toxin when it is stressed which will kill the rest of ur fish or nething living for that matter in the tank. it is recommended for keeping singly or with a female male pair. the males are the blue ones and the females are brown with white spots. also these guys are hard to get them to start eating so keep that in mind as well.