i want to get an eel, but i need to cover my tank.. how?


i have a 72 bow, and currently it has nothing covering the top as i just added 2x250 MH pendants..
everyone says cover up every possible mean of escape, but i dont know how to do this without glass (which i cannot have)
what all do you use for your eels and the like?


Go to Home Depot in the lighting department and get egg crate then cut it to fit your tank and around all other equiptment that comes out of your tank.
Egg Crate cost around 19.00 (if that) for a piece that is 2ft by 4ft


Originally Posted by ckehl
wont he still be able to jump through the egg crate?
I have my tank covered with egg crate and the eel cant get out through it the squares are maybe 1/2 inch square so in order for the eel to jump out he would need to be very small and the tank would have to be very shallow


Active Member
glass tops or the egg crate screening will both work for keeping the eels in as long as they are suported with a little weight or tight fit depending on the eels size of course if his head is smaller then the holes in the egg crate then yes he can get out the holes must be smaller than his head


i cant have glass because of my metal halides..
if i did have glass.. greenhouse effect would occur and the temp would skyrocket


I not the time right at this moment to type out what I can suggest to you, but you do however have two other choices. I not know what time today that i can get back here, but maybe later tonight after nine.


ckehl, sorry I not had the time before for in the picture you see here that if you a tank without the body frame over the top of your tank, you can have someone build the edge into the tank and you will need to have some type of cover on your over flow box. Or you the other idea in which you have a type of nylon netting covering across the back of the tank.