Lol its kinda funny but my clown took my Firefish gobys girl away but she hates it and wants to get back to her man. So what type of clown can I mix my Pink Skunk Clown with so it'll have a partner and leave my pair alone ?
Oh wow dude come on now most of em might know what it means already so its old new for them. And im not saying anything even about them doing you know what. Im just stating that its seperating my two fish and I want to take him out of there and replace him big whoop
Originally Posted by TangWhispr http:///forum/post/2522246
There are kids on here, it's pretty inappropriate and childish to have a subject like you do.
My thought exactly.
Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech http:///forum/post/2522253
Oh wow dude come on now most of em might know what it means already so its old new for them. And im not saying anything even about them doing you know what. Im just stating that its seperating my two fish and I want to take him out of there and replace him big whoop
are you 5? I am 32 and don't speak that way...grow up.
IM 17 so whatever dude thanks for so much AMAZING help you guys are supposed to bring, I guess im on my own and if all my fish die cause you guys dont want to help me at least I got somebody to blame. Just trying to bring some humor in you high class think you better than anybody people here.
Probably because it is in the subject matter and not the body of the message. I am not taking sides as I understand both points of view. Peace to all,
Potters should not bother them. I thought the title was pretty funny(it actually made me laugh) but I agree with what the others said about it being inappropriate. Out of curiosity do you have Helfrichi firefish?
Alright Alright ill be mature in this place but im not going to grow old as fast as these guys or women here. But what other fish might go with my 2 Firefish gobys and my two peppermints and that are pretty active ?
Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech http:///forum/post/2522298
Alright Alright ill be mature in this place but im not going to grow old as fast as these guys or women here. But what other fish might go with my 2 Firefish gobys and my two peppermints and that are pretty active ?
My Firefish seems to coexist with my Royal Gramma well and my LMB but he dosnt bother anybody.
Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech http:///forum/post/2522298
Alright Alright ill be mature in this place but im not going to grow old as fast as these guys or women here. But what other fish might go with my 2 Firefish gobys and my two peppermints and that are pretty active ?
Ohhh, I hope you get to be twice as old as us, maybe 3 times as old. Serve you right if you live to 110!