I want to see YOUR tank!


awesome tank love the trigger miami reefer any close ups of the hamlet, and NO FIGHTING!, if you dont have something nice to say then shut up! be mature or dont post in this thread

oh and the eels is quite visable if you look, he is exactly where he stated


hahahh thanks for the comment fish addict
harly has really tested my patience :mad:
and probally would have been gone if it wasnt for my dad but i guess hes just a big pretty wussy fish, so hes aight

Ive had to get rid of too many fish IMO because he gets bullied
but i guess this works
I really miss my emporer angel

fish addict

I love harlequin tusks but I can't have one because I only have a 29

if I had a bigger tank I would take him off your hands


Active Member
65 reef,80lbs LR, 4in DSB, 29 g fuge,8 - 39watt T5's
1 y.o. this next month. Pic taken today.
It aint all that but it's mine!

125 FOWLR in the works!


shark bait

This was used to keep sharks I was given when they were to big for there tank untill I found a new home ( LFS gets fish in from time to time and they cant keep them so I lend a hand.) . I am moving it up to my bonus room and will make it another Shark tank. It is 330g with dual sump, Solo overflow one open and closed loop, and dual central intakes. Turns about 1700gph. This is going to rock. I'll get some up in the next few month of what it looks like when its done.


Originally Posted by MiamiReefr
blizz? what i say?
nothing im sorry for the mix up i was talking to sharkboy he has removed his posts. again sorry and do you have any pictures of the hamlet i would love to see em'


Originally Posted by shark bait
This was used to keep sharks I was given when they were to big for there tank untill I found a new home ( LFS gets fish in from time to time and they cant keep them so I lend a hand.) . I am moving it up to my bonus room and will make it another Shark tank. It is 330g with dual sump, Solo overflow one open and closed loop, and dual central intakes. Turns about 1700gph. This is going to rock. I'll get some up in the next few month of what it looks like when its done.
i cant wait to see it set up


blizz..not yet..he is still in a separate tank in the meantime to beef him up on garlic soaked foods and vitamins before he goes with his friends....i'll definitely post it up as soon as I get em.
btw..hows the brazillian dragin doing?


the brazilian is doing great. i tell you though he has expensive taste and ive spent alot more then thought on food

I am in the process of upgrading and will soon find him a tankmate, likely a emp. angel or miniatus grouper :joy:


wow i have seen some of your other posts and i must say that you have one of the coolest rays, i wish i had the tank to put one of those in,... great job on keeping him alive

peter ray

Thanks a bunch! I am quite happy with him. I got a great one. He swims a lot on his own...eats a lot of different things, and let's the cleaner shrimp clean him all the time. It's quite impressive to see 2 cleaner shrimp on him...picking away. He very calmly rests and sometimes he even comes up into a stand and they go underneath him. I'm not sure about taking a picture of that in case the flash scares him and he hurts them.


Originally Posted by Peter Ray
Thanks a bunch! I am quite happy with him. I got a great one. He swims a lot on his own...eats a lot of different things, and let's the cleaner shrimp clean him all the time. It's quite impressive to see 2 cleaner shrimp on him...picking away. He very calmly rests and sometimes he even comes up into a stand and they go underneath him. I'm not sure about taking a picture of that in case the flash scares him and he hurts them.


The Queen is about four inches and the clown is two inches.