i wanted to make some extra dough for my expenses. so i thought i tried breeding clown fish and sell the fish. so how do i get started?
i have the following equipment already i think i need to get started.these were from my previous projects.
10 gallon tank
20gallon eclipse tank
red sea prizm skimmer
Fluval Canister 204
Dry Sand.
artificial decor
extra lr
110 watt pc lighting
what ive learned so far is that i need a mated pair? right?
how do i find those? People said to buy a bunch of juviniles and let them pair up. or purchase a mated pair already. or even look closley in a tank of clowns and keep a look out for clowns that swim in pairs.
id like some info on the procedures and things i need. who knos, if im sucessful ill hook the person up who helped me the most with some free clowns.(in the socal area)!
i have the following equipment already i think i need to get started.these were from my previous projects.
10 gallon tank
20gallon eclipse tank
red sea prizm skimmer
Fluval Canister 204
Dry Sand.
artificial decor
extra lr
110 watt pc lighting
what ive learned so far is that i need a mated pair? right?
how do i find those? People said to buy a bunch of juviniles and let them pair up. or purchase a mated pair already. or even look closley in a tank of clowns and keep a look out for clowns that swim in pairs.
id like some info on the procedures and things i need. who knos, if im sucessful ill hook the person up who helped me the most with some free clowns.(in the socal area)!