I want to upgrade my lights, need help


Active Member
I have the 12 gal aquapod. I want to upgrade my lights, but don't know what to get. I have the orginal set up which is:2 dual color Sunpaq compact fluorescent lamps (50/50 bulbs) with correct spectrum for corals and nocturnal blue lunar lights to complete 24 hour cycle. (with a cooling fan)
I don't know what that all means, so I don't know what will be better than that.
My star polyps are not as bright as they should be. I saw some where I bought them, she had 2, a big one high in the tank and a small one low in the tank. Her small one looks like mine. I asked her why ( thinking it might be small, thus not having all the color of the big one), but she said because it was further from the light. I can't really put it any higher in my tank, so I'd like to upgrade.


I have the Aquapod 24G and I upgraded my lights. I now have the Sunpod 20" 150w HQI MH lighting that I bought to go on my Aquapod and I love them. I have Yellow Polyps and they look great. My BTA is looking good and zoos seem to be growing more. It was a big difference.
150w may be a little much for 12G but you canget the Sunpod 20" 70W HQI MH lighting but I am not sure how much you are looking at spending.


Active Member
are those just bulbs that would screw into my hood, or is it a whole new hood/ fixture?


Active Member
You have to retrofit them into your hood, and a 150 is definetly not too much for a 12g.


Active Member
If I get the 150w HQI MH lights, will I have to add another fan or something? Wouldn't it over heat my tank, or does it not work like that?
And the other ? is would the new lights REPLACE my daylight one?


I still think that 150w on a 12g tank is to much, but if you do decide to do that then you would remove your old hood and use the Sunpod 20" Lighting system.
Heat has not been a problem but it may be with 150w on a 12g tank.
Here are some pictures



I just got the new 70 Watt K-2 Viper from JBJ. It is great. It mounts directly to the side of the tank and can be adjusted in many different ways. The only place I found them so far is on Nanocustoms.com. Check it out.