I want toknow if this is right



1.009 is correct, however you really shouldn't use a swing arm hydrometer to test with. they are not acurate enough. you really need a refractometer. If you don't have one, borrow one or take water to the lfs so they can test it. If you use the one in the pic and it is off just a touch you could go through the entire hypo treatment, be at 1.010 or 1.011 and it won't kill the ich. you can find the refractometers online for about $69.00.


Staff member
Newreefer is correct. The swingarms are really not at all accurate. If you can not get your water tested by a refractormeter, then use a glass hydrometer.


Active Member
refractormeter? man whats that? 70 dollars!!!! oh man!! to test salinity... i swore the swing arm type hydro meter was way more accurate then the hydrometer( the floating one with the the long stick uh.. with the thermonither)


Staff member
No, entice. Swimg arms are OUT. They are inaccurate even for regular water testing in my opinion.
The going rate for a refract is $70. Easily found by looking on the web. Sorry, can't post links to other stores at SWF.com.


Staff member
Is it really? What is more important to fish, the correct salinity that they need to thrive? Or that new coral you are just dying to include in your tank??
Water quality is everything to the welfare of marine organisms, and water quality starts with correct salinity in the tank.


Active Member
well i guess if you put it that way your right. i currently have no money for anything tank related right now. Textbooks alone cost more then the classes im going to. Right now, i have the swing arms and the floating one. THere an add that says
This high precision hydrometer is handmade in Germany by experienced craftsmen. It has a maximum deviation of 0.0005. This hydrometer never needs calibration Indispensable for scientists and the committed hobbyist. The higher price will soon pay off by an always exact salinity in the aquarium. Scale from 1.018 to 1.028, with a marked recommendation range 1.0205 to 1.0235.
its a floating one not the swing arm, is this also obsolete? not trying to wealse my way out of the better one but its more affordable with my current income until i get a job


help! guys maybe I just WWW Dumb but I can't find anything for under $130 could someone send me a site in my e-mail rygrun@yahoo.com I started hypo before I was told that my swing arm hydrometer would not work, so now I have had to stop and bring it back up, this is starting to suck.