I was just thinking about fans and was curious


Active Member
as to why I have never heard of ppl using 12 volt computer fans attached to a transformer? I was cruizin at radshack and saw a 12 vold 1500milliamp transformer for 22 bucks and then realized that at fry's computer fans are about 3-6buck (with cool little led lights if you want). If I figured correctly couldnt a single transformer power about 10 (if u wanted) of these if they each draw .15amps?
Reason I am curious is radshack wants 20 bucks each for the ac direct fans so if u ran 4 of em ur looking at 80 bucks. With the computer fans and the adapter it would be about half that. Am I missing something here?


Active Member
I never looked at there low voltage fans so check the speed and noise levels between them. I use two of there 4 inch 120 volt fans and there fast and quite just like I like em.
Yeah, that would work just fine.
Check around for freebies from old junk computors. Also, the transformer you are seeking is identical to the one powering an old SEGA game system, or a variety of corldess phones, etc.
So instead of $80, with a little searching it could be $0.
I'd rather spend my $80 at SWF.com :D