I was told...

Originally Posted by jden092901
royal grammas are so pretty...are they ok with clowns? And, would a maroon clown be ok with a per clown?
i have 2 tomato clowns and a royal gramma. the tomatos get along better with him theyn they do with each other.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltWaterNoob
i have 2 tomato clowns and a royal gramma. the tomatos get along better with him they they do with each other.
IMO, two tomato clowns are going to be a problem; even the aquacultured (a $1,000) word for farm raised) tend to fight with each other as they grow older. I wouldn't keep a maroon with any other clown (except a mated pair) unless it is a very large tank. Maroons are great fish; but, IMO perhaps the most belligerent clown there is. I saw one kill another of similar size before I even realized they were at war several years ago.