I went coral shopping!


Hey everyone! I got some new corals today, please tell me what you all think! (sorry for the blurry pics! I need a better camera!)



It is hard to tell what they are from the picks, hope they all do well is this your first corals?


There's a green star polyp, green blastos, mushrooms, and 2 ricordea. I will try and get some better pics, sorry they are so bad! And yes, these are my first corals.



At the moment I have them all in a 24 gal AquaPod with stock lighting. In a month or so I will be upgrading to a 150 or 175 watt MH fixture. I also have a 20 gal long with 130 watt PC lights (2x65w 50/50) that will be ready for stuff in about two weeks. The owner of the store (a friend of mine) said they would all do well in the tank, and to keep them up close to the top where the light is strong and where there's good water flow. I am picking up an additional powerhead tomorrow for added flow.


Sugar, Your dogs are so cute...are they Pits?
My sister has a pit and it is the sweetest, most cuddly dog. Sure they aren't the right dog for everyone, but neither are poodles! I think its sad that they have a bad rep!


Originally Posted by BrainRush
Sugar, Your dogs are so cute...are they Pits?
My sister has a pit and it is the sweetest, most cuddly dog. Sure they aren't the right dog for everyone, but neither are poodles! I think its sad that they have a bad rep!
Thanks! The one on the left is a pittie, the one on the right is an American Bulldog. Bully breeds are wonderful dogs when raised & trained properly. I run a bully breed rescue, so I get both the good and bad with these dogs. (The good being these dogs are awesome, the bad being that everytime I go out to an adoption event I always get people who look at me like I am nuts, and/or yank their children away from the dogs - who wouldnt hurt a fly.)


Here are 2 pictures of my sister's dog Chloe. It was her first birthday party! We got her from a shelter as a puppy, so no one knows what she really is. I think she looks more american bulldog, but others think more pit. I just know she is 100% wonderful! I'm a very proud uncle!
Doesn't she look so cute in the second picture? I just want to kiss her!!



Chloe is adorable!!! She actually looks more pittie to me (the way her face is shaped.) Whats her weight? That will tell you a lot about what she may be. :) A female AB will be in the 70lb + range, whereas a female pittie will NORMALLY be between 50-60 (and thats even on the large side, but thats how they are breeding them these days.) I see she has a bark collar too, Magnum has to wear one sometimes because he barks at nothing...seriously, I've never seen another dog bark so much - which isnt like pitties! She's beautiful though! I love her!
Your sis isnt the only one who throws parties for her dog! Here's Maui on her 2nd B-day! (I cant find her 3rd Bday pics.) Regular cake mix with organic peanut butter for frosting and Scooby Snacks for decorations, haha...she loved it! Even though I think she licked peanut butter from the roof of her mouth for about a week afterwards.

Oh yeah, and I lied about waiting to get that MH...I ordered one a few days ago, should be here by Friday. I got the 150w MH + Actinics Finnex fixture - wasnt cheap...than again, nothing in this hobby is!

