I will be doing hypo on main display soon....questions


Active Member
I am preparing to transfer my livestock to a new tank (190g full hex) and I seem to have an ich outbreak. So I thought it would be easiest to do hypo, which allows me to transfer all the rock out and put it in the new tank (then the tank has time to properly cycle)
I have done hypo before successfully, but I didn't have so many fish and I am worried that I will have a major ammonia spike without the LR. There is 240lbs of LS that will be left in the tank
any suggestions on how to approach this?
tank and goodies:
midwest aquatics denitrator
114w UV sterilizer
BK Supermarine 200
RD 6.5 m3 return
Deltec FR509 Fluidized reactor (sitting empty atm)
stock list:
5" humu trigger
3.5" gold stripe maroon clown (pair will not go in new tank)
1" gold stripe maroon clown
4" sohal tang
3" purple tang
8" golden puffer (will not be transferred to new tank)
3.5" spotted puffer
3" stars & stripes puffer (will not be transferred to new tank)
5" red sea regal angel
3" singapore angel
3" flagfin angel
4.5" blue angel (he's in refuge and might go to new tank)
4" emperor angel (juvi colors)
3" pearscale butterfly
1" bi color psuedochromis


Staff member
I don't see any problems. Keep on top of water readings, do a couple of gals water change daily with water that has been well mixed for a few days. Add pvc hide spots, etc. Your sandbed is not DSB, is it?


Staff member
You'll want to check your sandbed and try to retrieve any snails, etc. that you find there. The sandbed should be able to support the bioload.