I wish my dad would stay away from places like this


At early morning my husband and i had gotten a wake up call from my father that he was having chest pains with breathing problems. This is not the first time this has happen and i am surprise that my father is still trying to offer any of you people his assistance with your fish.
Steven and myself after waiting around the emergency room until shortly after 11 this morning for we had to call a friend over to stay with the kids so both of us could go to my dad and i am very upset that so many of you people can be so rude in return for we found this site because of emails my dad has for any place he is at keep all his information of these sites with his name and such for he tends to forget things, he saves it in a folder.
The person who had caused this to happen to my father, i know my father wouldn't be the first to say something bad and that he is now laid up because of trying to assist you for i not know what the story is right now and i could careless with people who are always so ungrateful by showing my dad little to no gratitude.
So if your one who those who like to do what you like, then please not bother my father for anything for this is like the second time this happen in about a year and his family are the ones that have to be by his bed side during times like this, not any of you. You people have no idea in what im feeling that i could had lost my father and what story would i tell his grandchildren?
I know nothing about fish and i not care as well my dad is hoping that one the kids will take to his tanks. Im asking those and it not makes any difference on who for you are all to blame in allowing one to be so rude to another person.
I seen so many times my father typing and he is just about the slowest person i know on a keyboard, i say this because I heard it many times from him of people in these places.
For as well, does my father ask any of you for anything? My father has no reason with what he knows to be in places like these and the person or people who did cause this to happen, my father knows what he is talking about for only he is a problem in trying to express in words while trying to type it. We offered him typing lessons and he says that im an old horse that you cannot teach new tricks.
He even told me of something of some person had trouble or what, i not know for i cannot think of the word im looking for. Anyway, my dad told me that he called his neighbor back to offer him some things for a tank, it was something about a fire or something.
continue on to the next page


And another thing, my dad would never be the first to say a rude thing for you all would have to see him how he is with my children for he never becomes angry or even when were out together alone for something to eat he never looks to use a curse word. As it may be, my dad do forget something's like almost anything, like what day it is or his doctors appointments and being that as it may. Whatever my dad knows in what he done studies on fish for he has always told me things and most the time i not understand it because i not care for when he talks of this, he does know in what he is talking about.
But one other thing on the forgetfulness, my dad seems to be never forgetting in what he has to do with his fish and these long things that have fangs like that gives me the creeps. My dad for some reason remains sharp when it comes to those things for the kids watch this DVD he has with this huge tank and the kids are learning many fish names that I still no idea on what they are.
Please, if you cannot understand what my dad had said or as the one other thing that i hear just about all the time is of the people who not likes what my dad has to say on the fish. Whatever it was, I can promise you that my dad had all the right intentions to only help you and please, if you are one of those people who get angry because you not like what my dad has to offer then please leave him alone for he is in a trap to where he can not say no to people and early this morning at the ER my dad whispered to me after i ask him, was this because of those fish people on line again.
My dad later whispered that he is planning on a change tactics and it only upsets me more for it would mean that he will be expose still to those who are not appreciative. I will ask you all to please not tell my dad of this for about a year ago this had happen and he was very angry with me for that for my dad not want that i act as his mother and as he told me at times, he fought in two wars, that he not need a mothers tender loving care.
So please not tell this to my dad and if you are one of those who likes to do it your way, then why bother with someone like my father?
A very concerning daughter, Madeline
(PS) My father will be in the hospital we just heard for a day or so for observations. So any one of you who chats with my dad in instant message box, it will not be my father who is on line but that of my husband or myself, anyway my husband wants to correct some computer problems and make some upgrades.


Active Member
well that made just about no sence at all. I want the guy to feel better but how the heck is it any person heres fault??
Are you the parent that will be blamming video games when your kid robs a store??
sounds to me that if your father is so frail that YOU need to be caring for him better.


Originally Posted by oceana
well that made just abotu no sence at all. I wantt he guy to feel better but how the heck is it any person heres fault??
are you the parent that will be blamming video games when your kid robs a store??
sounds to me that if your father is so frail that YOU need to be caring for him better.

I second that


Active Member
Wow, I feel a head ache coming on after reading that....
In any event, I hope your father feels better.


Originally Posted by alyssia
Me too! How is it our fault?
Ditto!! You're blaming strangers on an online message board for your dad's condition??!! No offense and I hope he gets well, but YOU need to get a grip and come back down to reality.


Active Member
hope he feels better thats for sure.
But why all the contraversy in the last 2 weeks with DME? or i should Say Dragon Moray Eels?
i guess what im saying is what the heck is goin on with this? :notsure: and also if he is having to go to the hospital because of anyone on this site then thats a little wierd. ***) also noone FORCES him to stay here theres 1000 other sites , he has some good points but were not keeping him here on chain and ball

nm reef

Active Member
Hmmmmm...there seems to be something very odd going on here.
I have seen numerous posts by DME...he has what appears to be some extremely nice eels...and from what I've been able to tell he is very knowledgeable on the topic of eels and their requirements. What I find strange is this...on all of DME's posts his use of language and grammer are difficult to follow the same as the person that posted the thread above...which apparently is his daughter...or son-in-law....or both?!!?
Could it be that all of the posts are by the same person? I have e-mailed with DME in regard to some outstanding photos of some of his eels...and even in those emails his language/grammer are difficult to follow or understand. Same as the person that posted on this thread.
If this is a game and if this is some type of attention seeking I can't see the point.
But...if indeed DME is ill and has health problems then I certainly wish the best for him and his family. DME seems to be a sincere and very experienced hobbyists...at times he can rub some members here the wrong way but from what I've seen he does try to be helpful and as I stated I've admired his eels as well as his wealth of knowledge on the subject. But I feel you (whoever you may be) are out of line in your insinuation that members here are in some way responsible for his condition. I don't think anybody here has ever forced DME to participate on our forums...there have been some heated exchanges but DME has been as responsible for them as anybody else. DME seemingly participates here of his own free will and certainly can decide to refrain from posting here...the choice to participate or not is his alone. I have seen nothing here to indicate his participation could possibly be a source of concern for his health. I do however feel that the post above is from the same DME that you claim to be a victim...and that I find very interesting indeed.
If DME is ill or has health issues I hope for the best for him and his family.
If this has been some sort of nonsense or game perpetuated for personal pleasure then I'd urge you to play your games and nonsense elsewhere.