I would like to make a sump/fuge, can you tell me if these pics show a good design?

Check out this web-site:
Click on the 'Hardware' page
Then the 'Sump Configurations' page
It has the nicest design for a sump/ refugium combo I've seen. It is the home page for Richard Durso, he has gained alot of respect in this industry for his aquarium equipment designs.
It shows a nice step by step photo gallery of his progress from building the sump/ fuge, to modifications, up to today. His also has a place for a skimmer, which is very important to have if you can design for one.
Hope this helps,
Good Luck.


I thought the pic above the very fist pic in the post was a sump/fuge all in one. That meaning that you can put all you equipment in there also like protine skimmer. Is there such a thing as a sump/fuge all in one. With benifits from both. I guess I am just asking what is then a sump/fuge?
Then some people just have a fuge? and some just a sump?
I want to be able to have both, but I want to be able to put all my equipment in the sump. So how would that work?


On dorso's first sump it looked like he had to rubbermaid containers... I'm still kinda new but i believe if you wanted you could go that way one container the fuge then make the other the sump and could put your skimmer in the sump... and connect them by an overflow just make but one container smaller than the other...
just an idea im not sure if im correct in this idea