I would like to nonimate this as ugliest stand.


Active Member
PerfectDark Too bad you lost your sight cuz shark bait posted a nice pic.
shark bait - THREAD THEIF. Now no one cares about ugly stands.


Active Member
honestly i dont care about the stand anymore, the girl on the right is about to fall out, and if you stare long enough you just might believe that, and the girl on the left her face looks like it was pasted there. her face is green and her body is well sick. but c'mon how can you not stare at the girl on the right.
shark bait what ones yours or is it a pic you found on the web.


Active Member
hahahahaha that funny, that pic did ruin his thread, hahahahahaha you cant help but to look. dont be surprised if a mod does take it off. theres a thread on here for highschoolers only, wait till they see that. wait!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha


Active Member
Originally Posted by shark bait
I once saw a house painted this color in East LA, It took me back to the day of hitting up La Revelution in TJ.
The girls hope your eyes feel better maxalmon
and this cant be offensive so don't take it off.
I dont think this is how babies are made...



Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
I dont think this is how babies are made...

Probably not, but one can dream cant they? And miraculously my vision seems to have gotten better. How fortunate for me...


So you invite people to come over and see your awsome reef tank, They don't even know what color your tank stand is because they take a quick look at the tank and they can't take there eyes off the hottys. The girls are known as the Show Tank Girls.

shark bait

I WILL SAY ONE THING AND LEAVE IT AT THAT. I went to San Diego State University, and well I would have to agree with Hugh and his staff that it is one of the best looking schools, and while Montys pub was #2 the girls are #1. I have many many more photos I could share but some one said High School kids are on this thing so I'll keep them to myself. These are just some friends, mine is way better, she was in a small publication a few years back called percect 10 you may not have heard of it. I love living in So Cal. I will post a pic of her and I if it it OK... yes it's safe.

shark bait

S o r r y f o r t h e h i j a c k, that stand will still be ugly when this post is over....

tru conch

Active Member
looks like someone puked up pepto... makes me hungry. j/k
i thought i had made some ugly stands in my day.. but the color...


you know what would look good on that stand those girls you woulden't even see the stand thank god I am blind now

Hi girls


Active Member
Originally Posted by tinmanny
you know what would look good on that stand those girls you woulden't even see the stand thank god I am blind now

Hi girls

Well I'm pulling an all-nighter and I figured I would pop open paint and make your dream come true.



Active Member
Well now we know how good a tank would have to look for people not to notice that stand.

devil dog

Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
Well now we know how good a tank would have to look for people not to notice that stand.



Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Well I'm pulling an all-nighter and I figured I would pop open paint and make your dream come true.



Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
I dont think this is how babies are made...

only in a perfect world my friend...


Originally Posted by shark bait
I once saw a house painted this color in East LA, It took me back to the day of hitting up La Revelution in TJ.
The girls hope your eyes feel better maxalmon
and this cant be offensive so don't take it off.
Thats what I'm talking about!