I would like to thanksome people before I leave.


Active Member
I have had enough at this site with no one trusting me, one person ruined it for me so you all can thank him. I would like to think Jcrim, Scubadoo, and mitzel. You guys are the best and I hope someday there would be a forum with just us as mods....maybe I will work on that, and with no AW2. I enjoy it here but I guess no one wants me here no more so I will now become like Jcrim and Mitzel, they gave out awesome advice but they left here.....looks like I can fit in with that group. I say my fare wells. So I ask one favor for the mods, delete me pics. I dont need anyone seeing them now since I'm gone. The all mighty Cartman is gone.


I dont know the story, nor do i care... but you dont need to talk about others like that.... There are a very few people on here that arent willing to help a fellow aquarist. Its all about how you ask....
I know you were only trying to learn like the rest of us, but come on... You need to learn to calm down and not exaggerate so much. Every post of yours has been over dramatic and unnecessary. If you ask nicely and be patient, people will help. If you think "people dont trust me" well there is probably a reason. The way you act and speak is very representative of your maturity. I hope that you understand what im saying.
Good luck.....


Active Member
Cartman, I see that you wish there was a forum where there were no mods. LOL. I wish there was a forum where people would actually LISTEN to advice being given, and would stop being STUPID fish owners. (not gonna name any names, but this person has a shark egg in a 125g)


Im not going to lie I just got done reading the 2 posts about the shark eeg-Pritty sad thats all i can say. I would lie too if my tank looked like that.
i just got done building up my new tank and i would not be able to sleep knowing that all that cyno was on my sand. Not to mention the people that have to look at it.


What's wrong with having a shark egg in a 125? Is it a cardinal sin to put an egg in a 125? Tang in a 4 feet tank? Plug an a RIO? Use crush coral? Its like ... OH NO, YOU HAVE CC.. YOUR TANK GONNA CRASH!! PERIOD!!!
I am no expert. But I try to support whatever they want to do with their tank and money. True, Cartman is a kid and acts even less mature. But, there is no reason to put down anyone specially on this board - read the rule.
My bro hatched an egg and have been raising it for a year in is 90. It is a foot long now. Sure, it wont live happy but how do you know your shrimp in a 300+ gallon tank is happy? Sure, it wont live until eternity like all sharks. We are all in this for our own enjoyment and satisfaction. Sorry to say, but the fish's health is secondary.


Originally Posted by MoneyMan
We are all in this for our own enjoyment and satisfaction. Sorry to say, but the fish's health is secondary.

Sounds like your just as thick headed and ignorant as cartman is. The health of a fish should be your primary goal. To watch something thrive and grow is more then any $$ is worth, and you can only achieve that with near perfect husbandry (spelling)


Originally Posted by schneidts
Get out your watches folks...not much time till this thread's closed. ***)