Ians Yardwork Finnex and Frag tank!


Ok, so to explain the title off the bat, my name is Ian and I am a sophmore in highschool, and and I spent literally my whole summer doing yardwork for 5$ an hour to piece together my "dream" tank. I have been poking around these boards about this tank and setup for quite some time and well its finally here!
I have to say, this is my first setup, and man it was wild. I thank my brother (my twin) a ton cause though I had bloody knuckles and saltwater all over me yelling, he still helped me a bunch and kept it cool

I was worried that the overflow wasen't right flow, so I watched and tinkered with it for some two hours, loosing much water onto the floor to the dismay of my parents. And the wild part was I had tested positive to mono the day before I started this, and I felt like I was dead when it was over.

The frag tank was inspired my Flricordea and Yerboy, and I hope to have it thriving with frags when I get a job in two week!

I will be dosing either ************** two part or Bionic reef two part, I have yet to decide for various reasons.
Some info on the Dt:
Finnex Glass M tank
(24” x 18” x 17”)
Custom overflow and Mag5 return (thanks to Nancysalt, this works fine)
Oddessey 24" 250w Metal halide with 2x65w Pcs
(I modded this with 2 fans, and it now has the new version Icecap ballast)
Frag tank:
20g long
(30" x 12" x 12")
Holds 82 frag tiles and is lit by a Finnex 4x24w HO T-5 fixture, the frags being 6" from the surface for possible Sps and Lps frags in the future.
To solve the flow problems I bought a nice hang-on-back fuge,
(24" x 4" x 13") modded out some new bulkheads and wala, had a nice flow for a good fuge to feed my frags

Some stuffed I am in the near future of purchasing (once my old tank is sold) is:
Either Tunze 9002 or 9005 or AquaC Urchin Pro
(because of small footprint left)
Some Koralias (undecided on models)
And then some nice stuff to fill this baby up!
But the worst part of my writeup is the pictures, for I don't have an amazing camera, but its good for what I need.
Thanks everyone here and my local club MAAST!
Finally here!

Pictures will follow in posts!
And I almost forgot my two friends and warriors through thick and thin, my Tomato clownfish and Falco hawkfish. The Falco was origionally to be a Pixy hawkfish (from SWF.com), but they sent me him and I couldn't have had a happier mistake.


Heres the list of pictures: Actinics only, 10K Xm only, Moonlight only, Night shots of both, Frag tank/sump. Enjoy and photo requests are encouraged!



Dang! Word already got out about me wanting to raise a rebel army of clams
They are the whole reason (alongside some awsome zoas, palys, and ris) I wanted to make the jump from FOWLR to nano reefs.


9" about the surface. The "custom" hanging system I made will allow me to adjust down or up 6" either way.


Active Member
Lookin good.
So is all ur LR from ur old tank and already cured?
lol plus Candycane is back so u can get some clams from him! Also u prolly wont have to dose. If u do a regular 5-10 gal water change weekly it should replinsh ur trace elemnts enough to where u wouldnt need to dose since the tank is so small.
Might have to w calcium though since ur wanting a few clams, but even then if u dont go SPS crazy still might not have to


Well I have to say Id have about 40% SPS, 35% clams, and the rest is LPS. Of course I will go clam crazy, but nothing detrimental to anythings health. The ricordeas, zoanthids, palys, and other hard corals will go into the frag tank for mother colonies, lookers, and whatever else I can think of.


Im still buying dosing stuff because I want optimum levels for growth, and I'll probabley buy dosing stuff at River and Reefs with store credit.


All the LR (40-50lbs.) and sand (40lbs) is from my FOWLR that was up for 2 years. Interestingly though the mushroom in those pics was never there and then I throw the switch for the Mh, come back and theres a huge purple shroom 2 babys, and a red orange shroom out of nowhere.
Not a bad thing though
Its been up for 8 days and the levels are staying true, with only a little brown algae or junk on the sand, but probabley just because this tank is almost all natural filtration, minus the new skimmer coming soon, and maybe an aquaclear with some carbon
. I found some 2-3" fireworms cleaning mytank though, and they were freaky! And with no pod eaters in my tank the pod population exploded. I have about 300 in my small in tank fuge alone (for now


I might be getting like 20 zoa and paly frags for my birthday if I've been good this year? My parents were looking at it yesterday after I showed them so I have a hope that near mid october my tank will be a little heavier. Also once my tank is sold (and remaining materials bought) the fishstores better open there door so I don't run through them.


Also does anyone think a sixline is a bad idea for a 20g? I wanted to have one in my frag tank for the just in case incidents really.
I will probabley sell my Tomato and have:
(in Dt)
1x Firefish
1x Falco hawkfish
1x False Percula
1x Bangii Cardinal
1x Sixline Wrasse
(in the frag tank)


Other side? If you mean the other side of the cabinent there only about 12" of room so I am going to put my ATO tank there. Maybe 2 5g tank, one on bottom and one on a stool over the bottom one that will gravity feed when I choose to (maybe a ball valve) or just airline tube feed down when bottom gets low. I have run a "test" and I loose roughly 5g of water a week with Mh on 10hrs, frag light on 12 hrs, and moonlights on at night. Not bad considering this is open topped.