Ok an update, I took out the Mag5 and the overflow, these two tanks will now be seperate. I am going to get a Tunze 9002 for the Finnex, and the urchin will stay in the frag tank. The finnex has a built in fuge, and the Large HOT fuge will stay on the frag tank. I think this is in my best interest really, as many problems could arise while I was gone with the overflow/pump. October 8th was my B day, and my parents got me a 100$ gift card to Drmac, so ill be getting 20 zoa frags in about 2-3 weeks! Just need some other stuff sold, bought, ect. As I said above my Finnex T5 broke so i sent it in and will have some new pics soon. There are now 144 frag tiles in my frag tank, eagerly awaiting frags lol. I will probabley frag the shrooms out of my main tank, and clip some of the zoas from my frag pack and grow them (when they arrive). Them the Clams and SPS, then LPS will come lol.
Oh and I got a new Phoenix 14k bulb in and I like the color. I also re- aquascaped, hope you like! I made it so I could have a top shelf for sps, and a cove for some clams. Also some lower flat rocks for rics, zoas, lps, the works!
I did want you guys and gals opinions on what type of korilia I should have for the DT (I will add 2). I will be making a custom flow system for my frag tank, where a pipe will have several holes in the side, pointed at the frags and fed by a MJ1200. Hows that sound?