I recently had a yellow tang die of an internal parasite. I think it was because I got him to early and he became stressed. In the tank I also have a baby hippo. I saw to spots of ich on him last night, but I guess my goby got them. My LFS guy told me to get the tang out while he was dying, and to not do anything tothe tank for a month and ich should be fine. I can't treat the tank with copper becuase I have 2 stars. Guess my question is , could i take the stars out and do copper to the main tank? Wouldnt that kick ish's ass and stop it from getting the other fish? I heard it messes up the water levels? Is that true? WHat to do? I also saw one spot on my clown. The fish are eating really well and look happy. But I want to stop this.. I really would like to treat the whole tank. what are the pros and cons?