Ich advise (lion crazz you around?)


I was given the smart
advise of setting up a Qt tank and putting my royal gramma and 2 clowns in there and treating with hyposalinity. Well, I just ordered 2 Maxijet 1200 powerheads the day before this ich arrived so hubby does not want me spending anymore money on stuff. He said I could replace the fish with what it would cost to set up a QT tank. Isn't he great? :mad:

Anyways, I went out and got the Kent Marine Garlic Extreme and the Kent Marine Marine C to add. I also got stuff called Kick Ich. My gramma is showing signs of ich and one of my clowns is very slightly. The other clown still looks a- ok.
The clowns pigged out on the garlic treated food but the gramma is not eating. I may try a bit of frozen mysis later and see if I can get him to eat with that treated. Do you think I can kick this ich by treating in my main tank?
I know the right way to do it is with a QT tank but this is all I have to work with right now.
Also, my PH is at 8. Is that ok? Will the Ich treatment make it drop?

Last question, it says to run my filter without the carbon during the 15 days of treatment. I have an Emperor 400. Do I just let is spin the water and biowheels. Am I understanding that correctly?
Thank you in advance for your unending wisdom and advice!


To give some light I did the same and yes with running kick ick remove all carbon, shut off you skimmer if you have one and if you have a UV it can remain on. When my gramma stopped eating he went down within a couple days so keep an eye out. Keep an eye on PH but KICK ICK does not affect PH like Stop Parasite may. Good luck and remember to make sure your water temp is as stable as you can get it. GOOD LUCK


Thanks for the advice. The gramma is already coming out more but he is acting kind of hositle towards the clowns. He has never done that before. Maybe he is just not feeling good and is cranky? :notsure:


think about it...when you're sick don't you get irritated fast...HE is stressed pretty bad I imagine...trust me I had the same issue 5 days ago and I lost him.....But in due time I am gonna start all over again... Good luck again .


Hope I have better luck than you did.
He did come out and eat the mysis so I still have hope.....