ich and inverts


New Member
I have 55gl tank with 40 lbs of LR and a few of my fish have ich. If I remove the fish from the tank and treat them in a quarantine tank. How do I ensure that the ich is gone from the main tank b4 i put the fish back in?


Ich cannot live without a host. The main tank will be clean in a month. Mabey sooner, but wait to make sure.


New Member
I have a 135 gal. tank and lost fish before some one told me I had a parasite. I didnt have anything living in my tank for 3 months and just now got water tested said was fine. Got One clown and $60. worth of live rock. Now two weeks later my fish is dieing. So I dont what to do!


Dana... was your live rock cured before you bought it? If not some of it may have died and turned your water bad.


New Member
If you have ich in your tank you can use a product called Kick-Ich. It is safe on your fish, corals, and invertebrates. It gets rid of it within 13 days and you don't have to set up another tank.
I would leave the main tank empty of fish for at least a month to get rid of the ich. You need to move the fish to a QT for whatever method of treatment you decide on since inverts cannot tolerate some methods such as hyposalinity or using a copper based product. Kick-Ick, I have used it but so I don't believe that it did the job as well as it is advertised.
I have read on some other posts and sites that ich has a one month live cycle and requires a fish in order to live. Correct me if I'm wrong on that one though. I asked the same questions about ich and inverts and decided the best way to go was leave the tank empty for at least six weeks of any fish and make good use of my quarantine tank for any new fish.
There's some great posts on hyposalinity and how to do it here, probably your best place to start treating.