ICH and now Flame has Cloudy eye/ pealing from eye


My flame came down with ICH about 2 weeks ago. I have him in a QT tank and Hypo'd at 1.009.
I noticed yesterday that one if his eyes is a little bulgy and cloudy and looks like he has a peice of film hanging off his eye.
Guessing from the ICH, but not sure.
Anything I need to treat with or do special?


New Member
i have a trigger with a cloudy puffy eye. i noticed it yesterday and the lfs said its probably an infection behind the eye so its internal. they told me to buy this stuff called spectogram, comes in capsules. put it directly in your tank as instructed on box then mix a little with your fish food when feeding him. should take care of the internal and external diseases. i dunno i just started mine today so not really sure of outcome. good luck


Active Member
sounds like cloudy eye. there is another disease called popeye i think. not sure on the correct terminology but the eye turns into something like bubble algae just not green or red. both i believe can be treated with antibiotics and are infections. they are very curable. if they are left to their own then can cause loss of sight so treat them now. do some looking around im sure there have been threads on the topic.


Being that this fish has ICH should I treat him with anything like Maracyn-two?
So far it's only in one eye (maybe a net injury).
Should I treat or just leave alone?


Active Member
i would treat the cloudy eye but first do some water changes to clear up your tank. do you have ich or no though? do some searching in the disease forum as i don't know much about diseases beyond what ive said.


what treats cloudy eye and can i treat cloudy eye in main tank if my fish is the only fish in main tank?


Active Member
im not entirely sure what treats it. i want to say maracyn. if you treat the main tank it will inevitably kill whatever inverts you have in there. so keep that in mind. if at all possible you want to keep any chems out of your display. im not well versed on treatments so do a search in the disease forum its a very common occurance.
keep this in mind though in general. when in doubt do some water changes.....