Originally Posted by
Ret Talbot
I agree that three weeks is a safe bet in a normal tropical aquarium, but I usually suggest thirty days simply because encysted tomonts can survive up to 28 days in some conditions based on my reading of the literature. Then you have perhaps as long as 48 hours as free-swimming tomites looking for a host. I mean once you've gone to all the trouble, you might as well make it last, right? lol
Beth, have you any experience with chloroquine phosphate for treating ******?
Sorry for the delay, but I'm out of town during the holiday. I'd like to know your reference you mention?
I have been using hyposalinity for Cryptocaryon irritans exclusively for some time because it has always worked. There is evidence that antimalarial drugs have some effectiveness, especially when treating Amyloodinium (Chloroquine diphosphate). However, how practical is it for the average hobbyist to obtain these meds? And, other meds/treatments seem to work as well, and are readily available. I'm pretty much a supporter of using hypo for ich.