Ich Attack Confused On What To Do Please Help


New Member
I just bought an emperor and a blue face angel about two months ago. I QT them for about a month and I did not see anything on them so I introduced them into my main tank. Well now my my fish are scratching but there are no visible spots on any of them except the emperor. they are all eating except him as well.I was told by a fish store to hook up my UV steralizer and do fresh water dips on the emperorand thatr they should start looking better in a couple of days. He said that when the parasites detach to split they will get killed in the steralizer. Will this work or should I QT all my fish????? I am really afraid they are going to die.:help:


Staff member
What type of tank do you have? Do you have live rock, corals?
When the fish was in the QT, did you have lights on tank so that ich, if present, would be clearly visible?
How was the fish doing in the QT? Eating, seemingly in good health?
Is he not eating at all?


New Member
I have 100 lbs. of live rock. shrimp, crabs, lobsters, a rose anemone, two colonies of polyps, and an urchin. My fish consist of a powder blue, niger trigger, blue face, black and white clown, ebili, a long nose filefish, a mandrin, and my emperor. Yesterday I put my emperor and my mandrin in my QT. They are the only ones that have had visible parasites on them. My other fish have survived an ich attack before and I read that they have an 82% chance of being immune. I saw my powder blue scratch once and have not seen him scratch since which was a couple of days agoand he still looks great and is eating and acting as usual. I figured one was trying to attach and couldn't. None of my fish have shown any signs of ich except the emperor and my mandrin the past month or two even the blue face I QT him with looks great and is eating like a pig. When he was in QT he was eating fine at first and then stopped near the end I got worried that the tank was to small and I figured I had not seen any signs on any of them so I put them in my main tank which was a mistake. The emperor was nibbleing on algea in my main tank other than that he.is not eating. Thank you for your help.:D


How did you catch your fish to QT them with 100lbs of live rock? I am just curious because I have 50lbs of live rock and the only fish I can catch is my clown because he never hides. If you have an effective way, let me know.


New Member
If your having a real hard time buy a fish trap. I have to use that with my smaller fish. My rock Is kind of like a wall in the middle of the tank its kind of hard to explain. I have an ebili eye angel that has a stomach problem he is all bloated and hes not eating and I cannot get him. I am about to pull all my rock out its a pain but I have done it before. You can try to catch them in the middle of the night I have done that before. They are really slow and dont usually know whats going on but youll have to do it quick before they wake up fully. Sorry if any of this didnt help.