ich attack


Active Member
:help: ive been using ich attack on my fish for like 2 weeks now and still havnt seen any results. is there a certain way to use it or what. i have also been feeding garlic. any help will be greatly appreciated. :help:


Staff member
That medication is a waste of time. Please look at the hyposalinity and ich information in the FAQ Thread.


Staff member
Originally Posted by Beth
Please look at the hyposalinity and ich information in the FAQ Thread.

Is not everything I have written at this locations enough?


Active Member
What Beth is saying is that hyposalinity is the best way to treat ich. She wrote a big write-up, in full detail, in the FAQ thread at the top of this board. That FAQ thread is very helpful, and is a must read for everyone, whether you have a diseased or injured fish or not.
There are only two things that rid a fish of ich - copper and hypo. Copper is too stressful on too many fish, in my opinion.


Staff member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
What Beth is saying is that hyposalinity is the best way to treat ich. She wrote a big write-up, in full detail, in the FAQ thread at the top of this board. That FAQ thread is very helpful, and is a must read for everyone, whether you have a diseased or injured fish or not.
There are only two things that rid a tank of ich - copper and hypo. Copper is too stressful on too many fish, in my opinion.

Lion, thanks for the comments. You meant, there, though that only 2 things rid "fish of ich", right, not "tank"? We wouldn't want anyone to think they have to use copper or hypo in their tank to get rid of ich.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Lion, thanks for the comments. You meant, there, though that only 2 things rid "fish of ich", right, not "tank"? We wouldn't want anyone to think they have to use copper or hypo in their tank to get rid of ich.
Yep, just a typo. It's edited now. Good catch, Beth.


Active Member
all in all could i use copper in my tank that has 3 diamond gobys,3 yellow tangs, and a blue hippo and a mandarin? its a 95 gallon tank


Active Member
Definitely not. Due to the fact that you have a mandarin, I am guessing (hoping) that you have live rock. The copper will kill the live rock, and kill the copepods. On top of that, it will GREATLY stress out your tangs and possibly kill your mandarin (the tangs and mandarin are very copper sensitive).


Staff member
Copper in the display tank is always a bad idea. Copper depletes the biofilter significantly, and because it tends to be absorbed well in sand, rock, even the silicon that seals the tank up, you basically contaminate your tank for its life.
Also, copper is a bad choice for tangs and even angels. This medication should only be used when necessary, such as in marine velvet.


New Member
I've had excellent luck with Ich Attack myself. It cleared up a severe case of Ich within a week on my Regal and Yellow Tang.