ich free tank


Someone correct me if I'm wrong here:
From what I've read in the disease FAQs and on various posts, if one were to start up a tank and always quarantine new livestock for 3-4 weeks to observe for signs of ich, you would have an ich free display tank?
So as long as you never introduce it into the DT fish will never get it? Even if they are stressed?


Active Member
i believe that this is correct, but i would wathc the fish for at leat 6 weeks...
i had a kole tang which got ich after 4 weeks in qt tank!!!!!!!!
but basically if ich has to be introduced, it isn't always there as many people believe!!!!


Originally Posted by drea
i believe that this is correct, but i would wathc the fish for at leat 6 weeks...
i had a kole tang which got ich after 4 weeks in qt tank!!!!!!!!
but basically if ich has to be introduced, it isn't always there as many people believe!!!!

Yes absolutely
Be sure to quarentine for at least 4 weeks. Ich is a parasite that is carried into your tank via some sort of host, or can catch a ride on anything else you put into your display. If you qt everything to be certain that ich is not present then it will never be in your display.


Doesn't my hard head wish I would have followed the advice to quarantine in the beginning?
Well I've learned my lesson (and hopefully some others will learn from my experience). I will always, always, always quarantine new fish from now on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chutneyjh
Doesn't my hard head wish I would have followed the advice to quarantine in the beginning?
Well I've learned my lesson (and hopefully some others will learn from my experience). I will always, always, always quarantine new fish from now on.
Im in the process of fixing that mistake. I have to wait till January 10th, n then my tank will be ick free :)


Active Member
Can inverts carry ICH or just fish? I don't quarantine my snails, etc. when I put them in and I always wondered...


Active Member
Inverts can carry ich if you buy the inverts from a system that has fish in them. If you go to your LFS and you see fish swimming in the same row of tanks as your inverts, I would quarantine the inverts as well.
Good luck to both of you - it is well worth the hypo and future quarantines to have a ich-free tank.


you can't hypo inverts though, right? does this mean you should just keep them in a fishless environment for a few weeks?


Active Member
Yes. If your inverts come from a system at the LFS that has fish in it, I would keep the inverts in a fishless tank for 4-6 weeks to be safe.