Ich from SWF.com livestock?


Just curious if anyone knows if SWF does any quarantining or monitoring of their new fish before they sell them? My LFS doesnt seem to care at all. Yesterday I saw a tank full of small Blue Hippo Tangs ALL with Ich. Plus I really dont have room for a QT right now so im hoping I can just get lucky with quality livestock from this site. So far so good. Just wondering if anyone has experienced any problems.

yosemite sam

Active Member
Don't assume that the fish will be healthy. You should always QT new fish, particularly if you're buying it sight unseen.


Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam
Don't assume that the fish will be healthy. You should always QT new fish, particularly if you're buying it sight unseen.
Very good advice! Always quarantine new stock, even if you do see it first. Ich comes in on fish. There isn't much that stores, let alone distributors, can do about it. Stores can do preventative measures, but they cannot give full attention to each fish. Always QT.

mr. green

Through all my research, a QT is the way to go no matter what a site or store tells you is covered or how good there fish are. I have read various sites of people doing QT's with a 10 gallon tank, powerhead, and heater which they get going and tear down after the fish are put in the display tank. That little bit of extra time will save you tons of issues in the future.


Active Member
Originally Posted by valeram
At least do a fresh water dip if a QT is not possible. But it will stress the fish even more.
Why would you do a fresh water dip on new fish?? The fish is already stressed due to shipping and fresh water dip performed incorrectly can kill your fish. That dip won't remove all ick parasites from your fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Why would you do a fresh water dip on new fish?? The fish is already stressed due to shipping and fresh water dip performed incorrectly can kill your fish. That dip won't remove all ick parasites from your fish.
I agree. a freshwater dip wont affect 90% of the parasites attached as they are beneath the fishes slime coat and protected from the freshwater by it.