Ich!!!! Help Please



help i have a false percula that now has ich
its been in the tank for about a month now and now theres ich
ive heard a fresh water dip would help but i need more info
its in the tank by itself


Look at Beth's thread for treatment of common diseases. It's stickied at the top of this section of the forums. If it's by itself you can probably just treat the tank with hypo assuming there's no inverts in it. I've never liked doing fresh water dips because it just kills whatever parasites are on the fish leaving them to immediately get reinfected the second they hit tank water and doesn't always kill all of the parasites on the fish. From what I hear you don't really want to do it unless the fish is in danger of dying from the parasite.


Originally Posted by jag2232
Look at Beth's thread for treatment of common diseases. It's stickied at the top of this section of the forums. If it's by itself you can probably just treat the tank with hypo assuming there's no inverts in it. I've never liked doing fresh water dips because it just kills whatever parasites are on the fish leaving them to immediately get reinfected the second they hit tank water and doesn't always kill all of the parasites on the fish. From what I hear you don't really want to do it unless the fish is in danger of dying from the parasite.
Very excellent advice

What sized tank is this? Do you have LR, LS, or corals? What inverts do you have?


6 gallon (i no its small but i cant afford bigger at this time)
and just live rock thats it


Originally Posted by johnd185
6 gallon (i no its small but i cant afford bigger at this time)
and just live rock thats it
Do you have a refractometer? Can you put the rock into a bucket with a small power head or a good bubble bar?


It's something that measures the salinity of your water. A lot of people (at least I did) start the hobby with using a plastic sling arm to measure it, but they really aren't accurate and when you start having to do weekly water changes it's really worth just spending the 80 bucks to get a decent refractometer.


Get cupramine copper, a sea chem copper test kit and read up how to do copper treatment then. It'll be a lot cheaper than doing hypo. Read up how to do it correctly so you don't wipe out your biological filtration or kill your fish.


Don't use copper in the display if you have sand. It will absorb into your sand and silicone. The life on the rock will slowly die when you put it back in. Even if you get all of the copper out, so you have a reading of zero, it will leech back in. If you have no sand then it MAY be alright after awhile. The rock won't be able to go back in for quite some time though.
You can buy a refractometer on line for $40. Google "refractometer".


wait ive been reading some articles and i found one on the clown disease and it looks alot like ich how can i tell the difference


Originally Posted by johnd185
wait ive been reading some articles and i found one on the clown disease and it looks alot like ich how can i tell the difference
You are referring to Brooklynella. Brooklynella looks similar to ich in pictures, not in life. Brook kills very quickly. The slime coat would become white, then you would see long strings coming off as the coat peels. This happens in a matter of days.


ok good then my clown dosnt have it i satrted rid ich 2 days ago and i see signs that its helping


ok the ick is gone and i transfered it to a 50g and bought a mate


They are called Scarlet Skunk cleaner shrimp. But at LFS they are usually just called cleaner shrimp. I got a fire shrimp which is a type of cleaner shrimp. they can be kind of pricey IMO. I bought mine for 30 dollars which is more than the amount I'm going to spend on the clown


Your fish had ich on the 20th and you moved him on the 26th? I am sorry to say that you just exposed the 50 to ich. No medication works in six days.
Cleaner shrimp are different than coral banded shrimp. Cleaner shrimp only pick some of the parasites off of the fish. They are certainly not a reliable preventative nor a cure.