Ich/Hole in the head


New Member
I have three Clownfish in a reef tank. I just recently saw that they was getting ich and treated them with Seachem Metronidazole! It went away for a couple of days and I just recently saw that it was returned and my clowns are covered. I also noticed that they are getting hole in the head! I took a sample of my water to my local fish store to get it tested and everything tested fine..... They told me that the PH is around 7.3... I know its a little low! My tank is a 14 gallon nano tank and I just done a 3-4 gallon water change. I have no idea what to do know to help these fish out! If someone has any advice please let me know!


HLLE...can be reversed with excellent water quality and vitamins........please go to the disease section...read the threads at top.....believe me...they are very helpful


New Member
All of those? I also took out the carbon..... because I am trying the Metronidazole! I bought these fish because my gf wanted some clowns and I have had a salt tank for about a year, but we got her one and I dont want this fish to die!


OK....yes...i use all of those....if you have NONE...start with the garlic and selcon....BUT they are all VERY good to have


New Member
I was also told not to use bio-balls in my tank... I really dont know why this is but could anyone explain thanks? I am wondering if I should take them out?


LOl....Has to do with nitrates...I am sorry, but THAT I can not explain.....tomorrow ask Spanko....or Florida Joe....


Active Member
a lot of people associate bio-balls with high nitrates.this is because if they are not properly taken care of like everything else in our tanks that will cause problems. they must be cleaned regularly for them to be effective


New Member
Well the ich sorta went away when I woke up this morningwhen Igot home from work it Has worsened! I got some new food and vitamins! I aimed my water spout up toward the top to try and increase water flow! If some one has any more advice please let me know!

rod buehle

Originally Posted by Bambam05
I was also told not to use bio-balls in my tank... I really dont know why this is but could anyone explain thanks? I am wondering if I should take them out?

Bio balls are fine for a Fish Only tank, but not desired for reef tanks that need low nitrates.
Bio balls are designed to produce nitrates. (if your cleaning them, you are temporarly stopping them from doing what they are supposed to do). They are designed to convert the very toxic ammonia and nitrite, into a less/non toxic nitrate.
Bio Balls will harbor aerobic (oxygen rich) bacteria, due to the oxygen rich water continuously passing over the balls. Areobic (oxygen rich) bacteria is superior (to anaerobic) at converting the ammonia to nitrate, but thats where it stops.. At the nitrate stage.. they produce nitrates Washing them will wash away the bacteria, but your also washing away the ability to convert the more toxic ammonia...
To "Denitrify" (Needed for tanks with corals/inverts) you need anaerobic bacteria. (low oxygen) anaerobic bacteria grows in our live rock and deep sand beds. Anaerobic bacteria goes one step beyond the capabilities aerobic bacteria, by turning that nitrate into a harmless gas that will pass off into the atmosphere.
Why not use bio balls (aerobic) to convert the ammonia, and then use live rock (anaerobic) to denitrify?? Because, both types of bacteria are competing for the same food source (ammonia), and neither will ever reach their full potential if they are competing.
Hole in the head can often be caused by poor water quality, and can sometimes be cured by correcting the water and feeding GOOD foods.
Ick is usually stress related, and will usually be cured by removing the stress and feeding GOOD foods.
3 clowns in a tank will usually result in stressful situations especially if the tank is on the smaller side and especially if they are different species.
A pH of 7.3 is not out of the norm after being transported in a sealed container that is receiving no oxygen