Ich ID on Pink Tail Trigger



He ate 1/4 of a silver side today! Yes, I soaked it in vitamins before feeding it to him. Basically I put the fish right in front of his face and wiggled it and he ate several bites of it.
Supplements haven't mattered for days because he wasn't eating at all. I think the dip may have helped.


when i did my fw dip. i seen the specs falling off in the bucket. once i returned him to the QT (in hypo) there were no more, and none ever came back
i did mine for about 7 minutes though so it was a little longer then normal


These fish have been in hypo for 22 days now. The clown fish now has visible ich as well. I even tested the water with a hydrometer to see if my refractometer was off. It's at 1.008. I read some other sites that said they have seen it last 28 days. I am happy the trigger is eating, the clown is eating, and I have not done any more dips. The trigger deosn't seem to want to swim after his food yet, so I am putting it right in front of him, and he's eating. Even though he's still covered, I think he's better since the dip. I soak his food overnight in zoe & zoecon.
I did not see them falling off in the bucket when I did the dip, but the bucket is white, so it may be that they were just difficult to see.
If I don't see a change after 28 days, I'll probably buy some Chloroquine Phosphate and try that treatment. I am reluctant to use anything that's a carcinogen, and all the ich stuff at the LFS has formalin which is a carcinogen. I don't want to have to wear gloves everytime I stick my hand in the tank or water.
I keep trying to compare the photos to see if there are changes I haven't noticed. Here's one from today, where he was actually swimming around again.
Are these pretty much the same dots that have been on the fish? The thing that gets me is acording to the life cycle of ick the parasite drops off after a week or so on the fish so you would think the cysts would go away. Have you upped the water changes yet? I have read in numerous places that some people have dips for much longer than 5 minutes. Maybe that would help him...Do you have a air stone in your QT?


Well, this hypo is obviously not working.
I am going to start the copper treatment today using CopperSafe. I am also going to start to bring the salinity up before I start to harm their kidneys from extended hypo.