Ich in 220 gal tank.....suggestions


Ok here is the story. About 3 weeks ago my 220 gal fish only tank came done with ich. I freaked out and went the easy route.... I purchased a bunch of Ich-Attack. Treated for about 1 week as the bottle said. It did not seem to do anything.... For the past 2 weeks I have been doing the Hyposalinity, like I normally would. The main issue is this.......My 220 is stocked with live rock....Acording to Beths ICH report....hyposalinity is done to 1.009....she said not to use with live rock.....I have and have kept my salinity to 1.012to 1015.....
1) Is this going to work? My large Stars and Stripe Puffer still has White spots on his fins and no where else....He is the only fish in the tank with with spots on the tail.
2) Have I messed up by not taking out the live rock.....
3) Should I proceed to get the salinity to 1.009
Please help.......I am stumped


Note... I started the hypo process and then re-read the Beth Report, where it stress, not with live rock.


The rock is still in the tank? It needs to be removed ASAP along with any inverts. The life on the rock will not survive which will cause a large ammonia spike. We had someone attempt this before. It did not end well. Ich is still able to reproduce at 1.012-1.015. It has to be at 1.009 in order to be effective against ich. Your best bet is to move your rocks and inverts into rubber maid tubs. Add a heater and a power head. Bring your SG down to 1.009 and hold it there.


The experts on this website claim hypo is 1.009.....When I tell all the local fish store people they all claim that it is way to low. What is the truth?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by drtash
The experts on this website claim hypo is 1.009.....When I tell all the local fish store people they all claim that it is way to low. What is the truth?

they may not know you are refuring to hypo


Active Member
the truth is that beth is an EXPERT when it comes to fish diseases, if she says it is so, generally speaking, you can take it as being the gospel truth, same with sep an joe, all 3 of them know what they are doing, and i would gladly take their word over anything that any LFS was to tell me, any day of the week, no matter how off the wall what they were telling me to do when it comes to the health an safety of my fish, cause the only thing they care about is getting ur fish healed up an healthy without risking anymore than they have to


Originally Posted by drtash
The experts on this website claim hypo is 1.009.....When I tell all the local fish store people they all claim that it is way to low. What is the truth?

Hyposalinity is achieved at 1.009. Your LFS may not know how to treat using hyposalinity. Hyposalinity is osmotic shock treatment against parasites. It does not harm the fish unless they are exposed to it for extended periods of time. It does not kill the parasites right away. They will not be able to reproduce. Have you read Beth's information about ich, it's life cycle, and effective treatment? If not, it is located in the Common Treatments FAQ at the top of this forum. It explains the process.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
It does not harm the fish unless they are exposed to it for extended periods of time.
Hi Sep,
Can you please clarify on the above, what do you mean by extended periods of time.