Ich in a treated tank?


I have a 55 gal that I am treating with cupermine currently. Its in its second week of being treated, my copper levels are right. I had a case of marine velvet that went really bad so that is why I am treating that tank. So my remaining fish are all doing well. I added a cubicus last week to that tank, now he has Ich. What?
How do you get Ich in a treated tank? Is this normal? Will I have to redose the cupermine?
How exactly does copper work, can someone explain that to me in some detail?
Thanks again


I suspect that the new fish had the parasite already and developed signs of it.
copper will kill ich at a certain stage of the life cycle once its in the fish it wil continue in the life cycle until it gets to the platonik stage where the copper can actually get to the parasite. It will stop and kill the new parasites from attacking the fish though.


im not too sure how exactly copper works, but from what ive been reading it should be a last resort. the ich survives in the tank feeding off of your fish. to definitely get rid of it i would get a QT tank and treat all fish with hypo for 6-8 weeks. no fish in the tank will also kill any ich in the tank since it will have no hosts. thats the best way to be sure nothing is left.. but not always foolproof.