Cleaner shrimp and neon gobies are both excellent ways to help get rid of ich. However, if you do not find out what caused the stress to give him ich, these two helpful remedies will be useless and they will be fighting a losing battle.
Your best bet in fighting ich is hypo in a QT tank.
If you QT is not an option and the fish is still eating well, your next best bet is to supplement vitamins and more importantly, garlic, in his food. Then, as you fix the problem, the fish will fight off the ich himself.
If the fish is not eating any more and the garlic does not entice him, Kick Ich and Stop Parasite work rather well at fighting ich. I have never used Kick Ich, but Parasite Stop is entirely reef safe, as far as affecting corals, inverts, macro algae, etc. Parasite Stop is not a medication like cupramine, but a natural remedy to help build the fish's immune system to fight the ich, as well as speed up the metabolism of the fish to get him to eat more.