Ich infested tank!!!!


New Member
My angel is covered with ich and I've tried putting a medicine called ridich w/ malachite green, it hasn't done crap, I have so much ich in the water I can see them swim, arrgghh!!! what can I do to nuke them all, should I try a blast of full copper medicine :eek: if I do will it destroy all in the tank with live rocks, I have a fish only tank, my cleaner shrimp already died cuase of the medication, I only have some hermits with an anenome, and no hospital tank yet, help!!


I suggest using formalin and a product called quICK cure. Use them together and make sure to pull out the carbon and turn off uv and protein skimmer. TJ


New Member
Thanx alot, this is is pretty well aged tank, 3yrs, first time it happens, guess it came in the tank with the angel, so turn off the protien skimmer and uv, new info I didn't know, thx & really appreciate it. :D
Given the severity of your infestation, I'm not sure it will be THE fix, but it will definately help. Try looking up garlic in other posts on this board. My practice if to soak their typical foods in water-soluble garlic. You can even infuse live brine shrimp with the stuff. Some people, however, feed their fish garlic flakes directly. As there's so much info on this, I encourage you to ready other ich and garlic posts in this group.


I have to go along with tangs on this one. I never tried the garlic thing until last weekend and wow. I am still in awe!!! I have reccommended to my lfs they start using garlic with their regular feedings. I hate those little nasties. They have agreed to try. I think you should give it a try. Remember, it's not a cure but your fish will feel better and be healthier to fight them off. Good luck.

the 55 aquarist

New Member
IMOHO ICK doesn't swim or anything. It's a diasease kinda like you dont see the flu floating in midair. You are probably looking at tiny little air bubbles. They kinda take a while to get to the top. BTW I usally use Saltwater CopperSafe. Thats my 2 cents.
Josh :eek: