Ich Life Cycle


How long does ich survive without fish? Have a 180g FOWLR minus the fish. My last fish died about 3 weeks ago and the only thing in there is a snowflake eel, 3 hermits, and a shrimp. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
You'll hear a variety of answers from 4-8 weeks. However, in your case I would say that the ich will continue to survive in your tank. The eel will allow the life cycle to continue. In order to eradicate the ich, you need to let the system remain fallow for, IMO, at least 6 weeks. The eel would have to be in QT and undergo treatment for the ich.



Now this time I visit many website and found many article.But I think this is one of the best site I found.Thanks for sharing this information.
led light bulb



Active Member
The average life cycle of Cryptocaryon irritans is 3 weeks.
3 weeks will give you a 68% chance that you have eradicated the parasite.
Leaving a tank fallow for 6 weeks will give you a 95%
72 days has been the longest recorded in a study. So a 9 week Fallow period will give you 99.7% chance to kill off Cryptocaryon irritans.
Information posted by Snorvich elsewhere on the net. His methodology for determination of a Fallow period, I am in agreement with.