Figured i'd post an update since this thread has survived....
Well, I gave up on Melafix. Didn't work! I lost my Emperor, my threadfin butterfly, pseudochromis and a couple of yellow-tail damsels.
Devastated, I finally broke down and bought a QT, bio-wheel and heater. I transferred water and LR from the existing tank, and added new aragonite. Then I tranferred my YT, maroon clown and orange spotted sand sifting goby (only the clown had shown any signs, and he's my first fish so I was in emergency rescue mode). They are currently in hypo @ 1.009. The fire and red cleaner shrimp, and all cleanups are still in the main.
I had to tear down the couple hundred #s of LR in the main to catch the fish. Booooooo. Also, a PVC backflow valve failed and my fuge overflowed!!! BOOOOOOOOO. Luckily I had the foresight to put a tarp in my cab as a bladder. That was great, except that the powerstrips, and the converters for my compacts weren't raised!

I had to shut off the breaker to that part of the house, fish everything out, dry it all in the sun (btw, this worked), and rebuild. Lesson Learned. Replaced the backflow valve, raised the Mak-4s and put all live wires in a container...
Still haven't rearranged the LR (gonna be tough to top the arrangement I had before), but I have plenty of time - 5 weeks - to do that. There are no fish in the main display, so the 6 weeks should be enough to ensure ich die-off. Meanwhile my three homies in the QT are doing great. Wish I'd broken down and done the smart thing in the first place!!!!!
Tanks for reading! Qs and comments welcome....