Ich or Lympho


He there
My new clown is in my QT and I began lowering the salinity down yesterday, and am hoping to have it down to 1.009 by tommorrow evening.
I noticed that my fish has a white lump-looking growth on the tip of his anal fin, as well as a few white spots on the side, which I presumed were itch but now I am not so sure. They appear raised and I was under the impression that the ich would not present like this, mainly that it would be flat to the surface of the body.
I think it might be possible for this to by lymphocytosis, but I thought that it mostly affected the tips of fins, rather than the body.
Is there anything I should be doing as far as treatment? I am currently doing hypo and feeding garlic and zoe soaked foods and attempting to keep the water very stable. Would a bacterial infection present with these symptoms? Should I try antibiotics?

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist, my queen angelfish had lymphocysts when I first brought it. I thought it was curable. But after much research, I found there's no cure for lymphocysts
. Your fishes immune system is low and needs to be raised. Your fish will need vitamin enriched foods, also check your water parameters .If the water parameters are off,the lympocysts will not go away. After researching ,
, I found that some hobbyists rub these wart like raised abrasions off with their fingers . My queen was infected on its pectoral,anal and back fins . What I did was ,I snipped off the fins that were infected with the lymphocysts. I used a scissors ,a net,and a steady hand . The fins grew back . As for my queen angelfish, its doing great,and is now 8 inches long with no lymphocysts at all.


Pastor B
Thanks for your reply... Im not sure if its lymphocytosis yet, I guess I will just have to wait and see if the hyposalinity helps at all (meaning it would be ich), although I suspect it is probably lymphocytosis.