Ich or No Ich


New Member
I am posting this because i'm getting a little paranoid about parasites living in my tank. I have had my 29gal BioCube for about 6 weeks now. I used bio sand,live rock, and damsels to cycle my tank. Out of the four original damsels 3 have surivied and seem to be doing just fine. I also have 2 cleaner shrimp an emerald crab, and 2 porcilin crabs.
On my first week of cycling, some friends of mine went out to a low quality fish store and bought a false clown and another 3 striped damsel. These fish lasted about 2 weeks in my tank and then died.
Heres where the ich comes in. On the clown fish i noticed one chunk of white that extended outward located right behind his right side gill. This is something i didn't notice until the second day he was introduced to my tank. So during the two weeks he was alive, this white cluster was the only area on him during the duration of his time in my tank(two weeks). After his first week, i started to second guess this gift from my friends who they had already named before bringing him to my house. I went out and bought a cleaner shrimp for my tank, and also crossed my fingers thinking just maybe the shrimp would rid the clown fish of the scab, whitness, cluster that rested on his side. I came home a couple days after introducing the cleaner shrimp, only to see the whole process of the cleaner locking on to my clown fish. He gave the fish about 6 different atempts all aiming towards the same side and area everytime. The next morning when i awoke, i found the white cluster was completely removed, and what remained was a brown like scar, that appeard to be embedded in the fish. Two days later, the clown fish died.
From the very begininng this fish didn't seem right to me.
The other damsel was almost lathargic, never really wanted to swim from the very begining.
So its been about 3 weeks since the Clown fish died, overall 5, and i have yet to see ich or anything like what was on that fish on any others in my tank.
I read up on the cycle of ICH, and thats what made me worry, but not seeing it on any other fish makes me wonder if i could?
Do you think this was ich?
Is it possible that the cleaner shrimp ate the parasite?
In two weeks should this have spread all over?
If i dont see anything on any of my fish in the next two weeks, do you think im clear of the parasite this fish had?
Is there any way to test?


Staff member
No that was not ich. Perhaps it was a tumor that got picked off by the shrimp.
What you should do is starting thinking about a QT, otherwise, you will always have concerns such as this one, and worries of contamonation....or even have to deal with an outright outbreak.


New Member
Originally Posted by Beth
No that was not ich. Perhaps it was a tumor that got picked off by the shrimp.
What you should do is starting thinking about a QT, otherwise, you will always have concerns such as this one, and worries of contamonation....or even have to deal with an outright outbreak.
I will deffinitely look into this, i'm sure i can find some resources on this site on setting up QT's.
I appreciate your feedback.


Staff member
Yep, look at the FAQ Thread at the top of the Disease Forum. The is info there.