ICH outbreak in a 210 FOWLR


Hey everybody, I've had a fairly major ICH outbreak in my 210. My Harlequin Tusk and Dogface Puffer are absolutely covered while the rest of my inhabitants are showing no signs of it. I'm currently treating with Probiotic Marine Formula which has seemed to help a little bit. Any thoughts? Thanks


Originally Posted by Reefboys
Hey everybody, I've had a fairly major ICH outbreak in my 210. My Harlequin Tusk and Dogface Puffer are absolutely covered while the rest of my inhabitants are showing no signs of it. I'm currently treating with Probiotic Marine Formula which has seemed to help a little bit. Any thoughts? Thanks
What is the active ingredient in that med? I am not familiar with it. There are only two proven methods to kill ich, copper and hyposalinity. Neither can be done in the presence of inverts.


since both fish seemed in advanced stage if ich i would get them out of the dt asap and put then in a qt tank . begin hyppo and add some cuppramine. some people may argue about the cuppramine but since they covered with soo much ich you may not have time for the hyppo to kick in.


Active Member
just make shure you use the right amount, too little could not be effective, and too much could be deadly. just follow the instructions precisely


Originally Posted by Reefboys
Inverts are not an issue. What more can you tell me about copper?
try to get cuppramine by seachem. its probably the safest copper on the market. I just used some myslef in a qt tank after a fish i bought got ich a week after purchase. thank God he was in the QT tank. the ich was all gone within two days after cuppramine was dosed. I also dropped the salinity to 1.009 within 48 hours. Its been 10 days now since the ich dropped and he eating and doing very well. get a good copper test kit so that your dosage is accurate as you will need to add copper after water changes. good luck., feel free to ask more question


Puffers are very sensitive to copper. If you do use it, you will have to monitor him closely and be ready to do a fast water change if needed. All of the fish are going to need to be treated. Being you have a FOWLR tank, you can just remove your rocks and any inverts (snails, crabs) to a rubbermaid with a heater and a small filter and hypo the display. Do NOT use the copper in your display. It will kill your LR.