Ich Problem and Question



Originally Posted by SaltFan
Yes, you want to kill all remnants of the Ich that are still in the tank, it is still capable of getting your others.
ok i will go ahead and do that. Meanwhile i'm going to see if i can get some kind of credit back for that fish.


Sory for your lose of your angel. Those are a high $ fish. I would keep using the kick ich to insure you kill any of it that is in there off.


I have had success with kick ich but I had to increae the recommended dosage. I went with an every other day doasage instead of what was recommended on the bottle. Doing that only increased the dosage slightly but it seemed to make a difference. This was in a FOWLR tank.


Originally Posted by oreo12
Sory for your lose of your angel. Those are a high $ fish. I would keep using the kick ich to insure you kill any of it that is in there off.
yeah i paid 50 for it at my LFS. Im going to be very upset if i can not recieve any kind of credit for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xrobbx03
yeah i paid 50 for it at my LFS. Im going to be very upset if i can not recieve any kind of credit for it.
Most of the time you can't get credit for SWF. That's the risk you take with this hobby. :happyfish


Active Member
I am sorry to hear for your loss. Just to be curious, did you see this fish eat at the LFS before you bought him?


no i did not see it eat at my lfs. But i did recieve a store credit when i went today since i am a regualr to the store :happyfish


Active Member
That's good you got credit for it. For future reference though, always make sure to watch the fish eat. That is a sure way to know if the fish is generally healthy. Even if the LFS uses live brine, that is better than nothing. This will tell you if it is healthy, if it was possibly cyanide caught, if it is aggressive enough to go with current tank mates, etc. Working in LFS' for years has taught me this.



Originally Posted by lion_crazz
That's good you got credit for it. For future reference though, always make sure to watch the fish eat. That is a sure way to know if the fish is generally healthy. Even if the LFS uses live brine, that is better than nothing. This will tell you if it is healthy, if it was possibly cyanide caught, if it is aggressive enough to go with current tank mates, etc
. Working in LFS' for years has taught me this.
what do you mean by that kinda got confused a little


Active Member
Well, if it eats, it is almost certainly not caught with cyanide, and if you have aggressive fish and it does not eat aggressively, you know that it would probably not adapt very well to your tank.


New Member
Also bought a Flame Angel which came down with Ich as soon as I got it home. I think the flame Angels are prone to this. But I've also had very good luck with it just going away if I keep the fish healthy and eating. I don't know if they scratch the ich off on the live rock, or if my cleaner wrass and shrimp are helping out in some way, but I've not lost a fish to ich yet. Although, this post really does show off my ignorance at not using a hospital tank to aclimate new fish and protect myself from ich (and other pests) to begin with.
Cheers and good luck!


well im determined to get a flame angel. I think the next one i have imma qt him. I have a 10g tannk laying around that im going to setup just for the purpose to get this fish. This way i can get him eating on a certain diet and also treat him if any diseases arise.