Ich Question!!! Help Asap!!!


Ok so my 1 of my fish have Ich, today I bought "Rid.Ich" which is suppose to make it go away, I followed the direction, it said to remove the carbon for 24 hours. I did, about 4 hours ago and now my water is starting to get really foggy! I'm getting really scared! That my fish will die! Will they?
I have a 404 FLUVAL filter.
WHAT SHOULD I DO? Should I put the carbon back? so that it gets unfoggy?
Has anyone had this problem before?


Put the carbon back in, and take the fish with ich and put him in a seperate QT tank. Then do Hypo on him. Go to the "Diseases" forums, to get more info.
PS: Rid Ick doesnt work...


From my own expirence.. Nothing that you put in the water will ever work. (sorry) I also find setting up a quarintine tank very complicating. Go to the pet store, buy Kent Garlic Extreme or Seachem Garlic Guard. hopefully you are feeding the brine shrimp.. so soak the food in that for 30 minutes, then feed it to ALL the fish for two week, and it should be good :) I find this a good treatment becuase garlic will naturally enhans the immune system of fish, as it does with humans :)


Active Member
IMO, Garlic is not an effective treatment for ick though I recommend it as an appetite stimulant (fish do need to eat to retain strength to fight this off but the garlic is not, IMO, directly a treatment for ick). Brine also is not nutritionally good as a long term diet but it is often difficult for fish to resist, again acting as an appetite stimulant. If the fish is not eating, then brine is a good choice. You can press fresh garlic and soak it with food as well. Fresh is best

Unfortunately, many fish will not survive 2 weeks with ick

The only proven cures for ick, IMO, are hyposalinity and copper - neither of which should be done in a main tank. Definitely read in the disease forum.
Ideally I would not treat a main tank with anything. I would probably run carbon now to try and remove what may be left.
The other critical thing to determine is WHAT may be stressing the fish out. Fighting? Temperature spikes, water quality? If you do not idenify what may be stressing them, you may not solve the problem, IME.