ich question


2 fish in my tank have ich a pebble butterfly and a pork fish they were treated with copper it goes away but always comes back after 30 day treatment my question is it only shows up at night and early in morning then goes away allday the fish seem fine they eat dont hide they breath fine any ideas whats going on should i treat it leave alone there back in community tank and its not spreading any help please


Active Member
The reason it keeps coming back is because there is ich in your system. They'll continue to live out their life cycle, lay eggs and then die. The eggs hatch, infect the fish again, lay eggs and then die...on and on and on.
Medications wont get rid of it. Check into hyposalinity or running your tank fallow for 6 - 8 weeks.


Active Member
It may that's the only time you see it. During the day, your fish might shed off the parasites that are currently sticking to them but get them back, while asleep.
Are you sure it's ich?


thanks for help im using rally and kickich i know thell never work i have a hospital tank 10 gall i have 2 hermit crabs 1 earcin 1 longhair animity 1 feather duster i want to put them in hospital tank but i have copper in it how do i get rid of cop inow waterchange carbon but thers live sand in there do i take that out or can these things survive a couple of weeks in my trigger and snfeal tank i want to do hypo on show tank like i said i have a hospital with copper and i have another tank with triggers and eal i figure hospital tank is best also how does copper come out of filter 2 hang on aquaclears thanks for all your help


i cant do hypo untill i get my inverts out but my hospital tank has copper in it how do i get the copper out or is it not possible to get it out


Active Member
Keep testing the copper levels as you do water changes.
If worse comes to worse, to get it completely out, you'll have to cut out the inside silicone seals and replace them. Sometimes the copper will penetrate the silicone and always be in the tank, unless the silicone is replaced.


Active Member
you cannot copper your main tank if you plan on having inverts in it at all for the next yr.it will take that long to remove it from you LR substrate and all.I have only used coppersafe as medication in a qt for ich.it can be used in conjunction with carbons unlike any other type of medication.the only way to fully remove ich from your tank is to remove all of your fish for at least 30 days place them all into qt and treat them.I dont reccomend hypo in a qt its a double stress on your fish an losses may be more likely to accure.I have also had good luck with the product kick ick in a reef but I also added a UV sterolizer to that tank to work along with the medication.with no loss of stock what so ever.
I recomend this link to research your options before you decide any treatment


i was just wodering how to get copper out of my hospital tank i would never put it in my main tank im using kick ich with rally and doing hypo ive donr hypo before it works without removing fish i go about 30 days thanks for the website going to check it out i use a uv also my experiance is you have to quarintene new fish thats the mistake i made this time i bought a pebble butterfly and i diddnt isolate him stupid move i put my inverts in isolation boxes and put them in my trigger tank ive learned my lesson isolate new fish no matter whatanyway thanks again


i forget who sells it but they do have copper removal medications... I would look into that and and a copper test to check levels. Kich Ich will not work. It will only prevent you from getting your fish treated with hypo.