ich/temp..reposted/different forum


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
i posted this in the reef tank forum but felt i may also be able to get some feedback in this forum...thanks
we are fighting a battle with temperature in our tank...today i checked the lights when there was only one hour left till they shut off....the temp was 88 degrees!!!!! tommorow we are going to get some fans to try to blow some of that heat which the mh's are throwing...during the first few hours of the day all the fish look fine and healthy..8 or so hours into having the lights on my kole tang gets all spotted up looks almost liek ich...today i noticed that this happened to my clown too...then the next morning the tang is fine with no spots...coudl temp fluctuations cause these spots which look exactly like ich?? and if so what shoudl i do other than get a chiller?? should i crank my heater up to 86 in order to keep a more constant temperature?
You have ich in your system and that needs to be removed. They (ich) are more active in higher temps which is why that is when you are seeing them. What sized tank do you have? How much LR and LS do you have?


Originally Posted by chadman
can i do hypo to my entire display tank?
You most certainly can but it will require you to remove all LR, LS, and inverts/corals into a rubbermaid tub. It is not as hard as it sounds. If you bought live sand that was "live" in bacteria, not full of ocean life, then it can stay in. The bacteria will not die. It is up to you, what is easiest for you and less stressfull to your fish? If ich only appears every now and then, you have a few days before things will start to get serious. Can you get a qt tank, a HOB filter, a heater, and thermometer? You should pick up a couple of sponge filters and place them into your display/sump. If you decide it is easier to catch the fish and put them into a qt tank then you will need as much biological filtration as you can get into the qt to prevent a cycle. Do you have a refractometer?


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
can i do hypo to my entire display tank?
Yes, but follow the tips Sepulatian gave above. Also, it is crucial to have a refractometer to do hyposalinity. This site sells one for a very cheap price if you do not have one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
You most certainly can but it will require you to remove all LR, LS, and inverts/corals into a rubbermaid tub. It is not as hard as it sounds. If you bought live sand that was "live" in bacteria, not full of ocean life, then it can stay in. The bacteria will not die. It is up to you, what is easiest for you and less stressfull to your fish? If ich only appears every now and then, you have a few days before things will start to get serious. Can you get a qt tank, a HOB filter, a heater, and thermometer? You should pick up a couple of sponge filters and place them into your display/sump. If you decide it is easier to catch the fish and put them into a qt tank then you will need as much biological filtration as you can get into the qt to prevent a cycle. Do you have a refractometer?
i do have a refractometer...so what you are saying is that hypo will kill inverts? i guess we can set up a qt tank but we dont' have anything that we need to do so....i guess we will have to set one up though....


Staff member
Do you have a reef tank set up? If you have MHs, I'm assuming there is a reason: corals. Hyposalinity is not advisable in a reef tank. What other sort of lighting do you have going in the tank, and what type of corals are you keeping?
What temp is your house during the day?


Active Member
the house is air conditioned/heated....all central...i'd say the normal temp is around 75 or so...we have 2 15o watt 15k mh's...i just raised the lights to see if that would help to lower the temperature....
we don't have any sps mostly ass softies and some lps....


Active Member
i picked up a large fan yesturday and after blowing that on the tank for an hour or two the temperature fell back down to like 81...now that the temperature is in line now i must deal wiht this ich problem....