Ich Too Quick


New Member
Hi Everyone! Thanks so much for your replies! I am worried, but since I sent this out Dori is doing much better... at least she is swimming around with the others. She likes the top a lot. We find her spitting water off the surface. We think it is funny, but what motivates her? I have been reading a lot about copper being a No No... our local expert recommended it, but I am reading a lot now that supports those telling me we should have avoided it. I hope to bring my starfish back, but now I am a little frightened. I have passed the message on to my boyfriend about our zealous purchase habits. Let's see if he slows down LOL.... thanks so much!!!!!


I am too lazy to read all of this again...do you have any LR or coal, or inverts? other that the starfish?
fire your LFS guy for telling you to put copper in your tank, and if he was the one who sold you the starfish then you need to use more drastic measures........not sure what but use your imagination....:thinking:


New Member

Originally posted by dragonfli
I am too lazy to read all of this again...do you have any LR or coal, or inverts? other that the starfish?
fire your LFS guy for telling you to put copper in your tank, and if he was the one who sold you the starfish then you need to use more drastic measures........not sure what but use your imagination....:thinking:

Just the one star... and yes, the copper guy sold him to us... I get it... not fair! :mad:
I am attempting to attach a pic of my tank, cat included LOL, but having trouble... will attach as soon as I can...
thanks again for all the help


New Member

Originally posted by dragonfli
JENNCAROL....how many newbies are you adding at a time? sounds fun and exciting to have all the new action, but it also sound like grounds for ich. thats what started my epidemic...too many too quickly. it didnt seem like it to me, but the fishs breathing start to quicken, and the i saw the spots.
my water is in optimal shape, but i still have the ich lingering i guess. eventhough my damsels dont seem to mind it, the "dory" fish i have noticed they feel crowded quickly. but im sure youve heard this all before. good luck and id love to see some pics

we may be too excited... but to see my dori fish... she is my avitar... I am picking it up??? :)


well the fun and informative thing about this wonderful forum is that everyone on it has had the same experiences and none of us get any extra commission for getting you that extra fish or coral, or extra extra commission when they die and we need to buy a new one. (not saying that the LFS you go to is like that, but when times are hard......we all might to sad stuff)
well keep with it. i went through a bit of aquarists depression when my false perks (clowns) died. and about everything else with them. but the tank is back up and i have been slowly adding again.
good luck and stick with it.
i would love a "dory" in my tank but i think i need a bigger one before i go adding any more.


New Member

Originally posted by dragonfli
well the fun and informative thing about this wonderful forum is that everyone on it has had the same experiences and none of us get any extra commission for getting you that extra fish or coral, or extra extra commission when they die and we need to buy a new one. (not saying that the LFS you go to is like that, but when times are hard......we all might to sad stuff)
well keep with it. i went through a bit of aquarists depression when my false perks (clowns) died. and about everything else with them. but the tank is back up and i have been slowly adding again.
good luck and stick with it.
i would love a "dory" in my tank but i think i need a bigger one before i go adding any more.

My Dori is doing great. My brother-in-law called yesterday to tell me my star fish had a bubble on his limb. When he went in the tank to move him, he exploded!
So, my only invert is no problem, now. My boyfriend's fish buying frenzy did not stop.... we have now added a Naso Tang, Blue Koran Angel (juvenile), Bi-Color Angel. The Naso has been a great influence. They all get along well. The eel stays quiet until dinnertime. He comes out occasionally. They are all good eates and very active.
Thanks for all the help!